xvii. Right

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jimin 👼🏻
hey are u with kookie rn?

soyeon 😈
no, im in my dorm
why, what's up?

jimin 👼🏻
he disappeared

soyeon 😈

jimin 👼🏻
i haven't been able to reach him
i heard he had a show tonight and his mom was there
and i guess something happened
and now he isn't answering his texts or my calls

soyeon 😈
his mom??

jimin 👼🏻
this weekend's parent visiting weekend remember?
he literally chose to have a show today to avoid seeing his mom wtf
jesus i can't imagine what he's feeling rn

soyeon 😈
i can try to text him

jimin 👼🏻

soyeon 🌝
hey jungkook
what u up to? :)

SOYEON BIT HER lip in anticipation as she stared at her phone, awaiting a response from Jungkook. His mother showed up to his performance tonight? She couldn't fathom the situation—she knew his mother was unsupportive of his dreams. Why would she go to his show? Soyeon couldn't help but let every negative scene invade her mind. Her knee bounced anxiously as she sat at her desk, having previously been buried in her homework. This was suddenly infinitely more important.

A worried sigh fell from her lips as she leaned back on her chair, dropping her phone on her desk. The sound echoed in her empty dorm, as it usually was every weekend. She had totally forgotten about the whole parent-visiting weekend event at her university, despite winter break having ended not even two weeks before. Perhaps it was her parents' nonexistent presence on said weekend that allowed her to forget it. She was still glad they weren't around, however.

She stared blankly out of the window, her heart churning at the thought of Jungkook disappearing. She just hoped he didn't put himself in any danger.

Suddenly, catching her eye and pulling her out of her scattered thoughts was the sight of the Full Moon, shining through her window and onto her soft features. It was brighter today, yet sat so melancholic in the dark sky, that it reminded her of Jung—Oh.

She picked her phone up.

soyeon 😈
he didn't answer
but i think i know where he could be

Hastily, Soyeon scrambled about her dorm room, turning off her desk lamp, grabbing one of her oversized hoodies, snatching her keys, and shuffling to put on her pair of Uggs at the door. However, she forgot one important thing.

"Fuck," she cursed when she noticed her phone in her hand, and immediately chucked it across the hall, thankfully landing on her bed. She continued pulling her Uggs on, only now realizing that she was still in a pair of pajama shorts and her legs were entirely exposed, but it didn't matter. "Jungkook, please be where I think you are, because if I get kidnapped, there's no way to find me," she prayed to herself before swinging the door open and shuffling out.

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