xx. Human

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THE DOWNSIDE TO having a class in the largest, central lecture hall of her university campus was the increase in the possibility of Junho having a class there at the same time. And this quarter, Soyeon had to endure that very circumstance every Tuesday and Thursday.

Soyeon let out a fatigued sigh as she walked out of her lecture hall among other students—immediately spotting her boyfriend leaning against the wall, his backpack hung over one shoulder as though he were still in high school, leg propped up against the wall like some bad boy.

It was this sight that she was met with every Tuesday and Thursday, and she had to mentally encourage herself to brave the walk back home with Junho by her side, who didn't have to walk her back to the dorm, but did it anyways.

A lopsided grin appeared on Junho's lips as Soyeon walked up to him. "Hey," he hummed and pressed a light kiss on her cheek. "Let's go?"

"Yeah," Soyeon sent him an orchestrated smile and walked away, though not before Junho could engulf her hand in his, swinging it as they walked.

They made it out of the lecture hall, the setting sun shining in Soyeon's eyes as she observed other students on a haste to get home. She couldn't wait to go home either, as she had promised to be at Jungkook's dorm by six to join him for dinner—Chinese takeout that he had been all giddy over. Usually, they ate ramen and other quick Korean-style food at the dorm, but a change was nice once in a while.

However, the realization that her mind had traveled to Jungkook while being by her actual boyfriend's side had suddenly tugged on her heart for reasons she could not quite piece together. She just hoped Junho wouldn't notice the quiet turmoil present in her fallen features.

"My lecture was cut short today," Junho stated. "My professor's daughter got sick, or something. Thank God, I was so fucking bored."

Soyeon only offered a light chuckle.

"What are you doing when you get back to the dorm?"

"Homework," she shrugged, curling into her thick coat to combat against the winter cold. The sun had already set, dimming the purple sky slowly as well as the familiar street of her dorm building.

"Really? Don't you think you've been studying too much?"

Quite the opposite, actually, Soyeon thought, recalling all the times she'd ditched lone study sessions to hang out with Jungkook. Just the night before, instead of actually studying in a study lounge in her dorm, Jungkook had joined her and they played an intense round of UNO. 

"Don't know. I just get a lot of homework, I guess."

"Have you thought about joining a club? Maybe a sports club?"


"How about volleyball? Like old times," Junho chuckled. "When I used to go to your games and be the only male cheerleader in the crowd."

Soyeon pursed her lips as he mind wandered back to when she played volleyball in high school—after her parents urged her to. She hated volleyball.

"I'll consider it," she said anyways.

Then, among some of the students walking by the two on the sidewalk, Soyeon spotted one entirely too familiar, with his oversized beige cardigan and his dark hair. The dangly earrings on both of his ears. The lip ring being chewed on his lip as he had yet to notice them walking straight toward him.

"Hey, isn't that—?" Junho suddenly spoke up, his deep voice catching the ears of the boy, whose eyes immediately darted to the source—his face dropped.

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