iv. Eyes

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SOYEON COULD HAVE cursed Hoseok with her imaginary witch powers when she stepped into the music building. The dark, nighttime corridors represented her practically walking straight to Hell, or in Soyeon's case, the songwriter's club's studio where Hoseok held her textbook hostage. It was hauntingly empty, a product of the music department's lack of students and unpopularity as a major. It only made her respect Jungkook for ambitiously coming to this STEM-focused school to study music.

Jungkook. She shivered. She somewhat prayed that he wouldn't be at the club, mostly because she did not know if she would be able to walk in without her face reddening in embarrassment from the situation the night before.

She had to fight through it. Her education textbook was much more important than Jungkook's opinion of her instability. It was no time to be prideful.

223, she repeated in her head as she searched for the studio, 223—There it is.

She stepped toward the door to the studio, where she heard a muffled light melody playing from a piano—which was a good sign, because she knew Jungkook didn't know how to play the piano.

Hesitantly, her palm grasped the doorknob, turning it ever so slightly as to not alert the inhabitants of her presence, and with that same hesitation she stuck her head through the door crack. The first sight her eyes set on was the two people sitting at a desk across the room, in front of two wide computer screens running whatever music program they used. She immediately recognized one of the back of the heads to be Hoseok's, and the other unknown.

She opened the door further, however, the loud creaking of the old door gave her presence away, making the rest of the heads in the room turn toward her.

Okay, there were only four people—Is that—? She sighed.

"Soyeon?" chirped Jungkook after the beat of silence in which their eyes first met. It was dark in the room, LED lights spread across every corner of the wall to paint the room a purple tone, and she could see it in his round eyes that sparkled with purple stars that had authority over her heart at that moment.

"Oh, Soyeon, hey!" Hoseok's bright voice cut the tension in the room as he twirled around in his desk chair, his bright green two-piece suddenly a different color underneath the purple light, nevertheless, still nearly blinding. The boy beside him twirled around as well, as did the boy by Jungkook who she'd never seen before either.

"Wait—Hyung, you know her?" Jungkook turned to Hoseok in utter confusion.

"Yeah, she's my childhood friend," Hoseok stood up to walk toward his backpack to get the very thing Soyeon was awkwardly standing in that very room for, the door shutting closed. He dug in his backpack for the textbook, pulling it out, much to her relief. She grabbed onto it, slipping it into her backpack quickly as Hoseok turned to his friends. "Yoongi, Namjoon, this is Soyeon. Soyeon, this is Yoongi—" He pointed to the boy beside Jungkook—"and Namjoon—" The guy in the desk chair.

"Welcome to the songwriter's club," Namjoon timidly chuckled, using the tip of his fingers to brush his black bangs away from his face.

"T-There are only four of you," she blinked and glanced around, the quite big studio occupied by only four—now five—people.

"It's kind of a private club," admitted Namjoon.

"Not really club," Yoongi butt in. "We just come together and make music."

"Oh," Soyeon could only offer a nervous laugh, quite unaware of what to say, especially with the elephant in the room that only one person—Jungkook—knew of.

"Do you want to stick around?" asked Hoseok. "We're almost done, and I can walk you back to your dorm after."

"Um, I probably shouldn't—I don't want to interrupt—"

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