xii. Charity

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Kim Haeri
Hi Soyeon, I'm contacting you on behalf of your mother to inform you on a charity organizer she and your father are hosting this weekend. She would like you and any friends you have to attend, as more guests means more good publicity for your mother.

is she really busy?
she couldn't call me for this?

Kim Haeri
Yes, she has been swamped with this organizer.

sure she has

Kim Haeri
Can you make it? Your brother is attending as well.

i'll see what i can do

the food kingdom

soyeon 🍒
hey guys
my mom is hosting a charity organizer this weekend and wanted me to invite you guys

seokjin 🍤
You sound ecstatic to invite us

namjoon 🍭
Right 😂😂

jungkook 🍡

soyeon 🍒
no i'm genuinely not
it's seriously not going to be any fun

jimin 🍑
its a rich people party
what's there not to be fun

soyeon 🍒
literally everything

taehyung 🍔
it can't be that bad

hoseok 🍊
Actually I'm taking Soyeon's side on this
These things are so boring and toxic

eunjin 🍆
thats precisely why its fun

yoongi 🍙
idk about you guys but ive always wanted to go to a rich people party and be judged until the end of it

horang 🍓

jimin 🍑

hoseok 🍊
Will you get in any trouble if you don't go?

soyeon 🍒
of course lmao

jungkook 🍡
we should go then

eunjin 🍆
is junho gonna be there??

soyeon 🍒
he might have even been invited before me

seokjin 🍤
Is there a dress code?
Want to make sure I look good for all the girls I'll be pulling

yoongi 🍙
won't the party mostly be older people?

seokjin 🍤
And what about it

soyeon 🍒
nice clothes i guess?

horang 🍓
When is it?
I have a final exam on Monday 😭

soyeon 🍒
it's on saturday

jimin 🍑
horang you'll have all of sunday to study

horang 🍓
You take organic chemistry and tell me you can study it all on a Sunday 💀

jimin 🍑
okay i will

"I HATE THIS dress," whined Horang as she exited their dorm bathroom, twirling back to look at herself in the mirror. Soyeon picked up her head from her desk chair, peeking over her shoulder to give the girl a glance.

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