xv. Stars

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"I HEARD YOU'RE going on a trip?"

Soyeon had to retain the roll of her eyes as she pressed her phone to her ear, the deep voice of her boyfriend on the other end of the call.

"Your mom told me this morning. Why was I the last to know?"

"It must've slipped my mind. Sorry."

"Who are you going with?"

"My roommates."

"Okay. Just making sure."

The line cut off.

Soyeon let out a small scoff as she pulled her phone away, indeed seeing on her glowing phone screen that the call had ended. Leave it to Junho to be an acclaimed drama queen.

"Was that Junho?" asked Jungkook from beside her, behind the steering wheel as he kept his eyes on the road. His words were swallowed by the conversations behind him and Soyeon. Taehyung and Eunjin, in the middle of this nine-seater van, engaged in a heated, controversial discussion about mint chocolate ice cream, while Horang and Jimin were smushed in the backseat.

"Yeah," Soyeon cleared her throat and went back to the GPS app on her phone. Sitting in the cozy passenger seat, she was subject to navigating Jungkook as he drove in the snowy landscapes of the inner country. Their destination in this deeper part of their city was a isolated cabin the woods, possibly the most horror-movie inducing situation, nonetheless the cheapest they could find on Airbnb.

Considering the two sets of roommates were the only of the friend group available during early winter break, it was even easier to find an Airbnb with two bedrooms instead of with a group of a whopping ten.

Dark sunglasses fell on Jungkook's nose to combat the brightness of the midday sun against the layers of snow outside. Soyeon, in a rush that afternoon to pack, had forgotten a pair, therefore had to squint everytime she looked up from the sheer brightness.

"Can you turn up the heater?" Jimin's voice traveled through the air, his head popping up behind Taehyung's in the rear view mirror.

"No, it's hot up here," Taehyung refuted.

"Well, it's cold back here."

"Deal with it."

"Don't make me pull your hair out, because I can do it from back here," Jimin threatened, a hint of amusement in his voice as he crept toward the boy in front of him, his hand going over the seat and landing on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Don't fight in here, it's a rental!" Jungkook exclaimed, diligently staring at the road. "When's the next turn?"

Soyeon scrambled to look at her phone. "0.2 kilometers."

"0.2 kilometers?" Jungkook stammered as he suddenly saw the exit from the freeway, so close that he had to practically swerve to get into that lane. He was only thankful that there were barely any cars on the road.

"Woah," Eunjin uttered, her hands flying to the mountains of bags separating her and Taehyung that nearly fell off due to the sudden swerve.

"Not my fault Soyeon is a bad navigator," Jungkook remarked.

"You try following Google Maps in the goddamn mountains with no service. It buffers every two seconds," she immediately rebutted, sending Jungkook a glare, even through the playful smile he sent her briefly.

"Sure, blame the GPS."

The Airbnb definitely was a perfect setting for a horror movie. In the woods, with six young adults, planning to get ridiculously drunk? It would be a miracle if this trip ended with the quantity of their group intact.

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