x. Crazy

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THE HOUSE PARTY was not too far from campus but in a reach where Soyeon and her friends could walk to without their feet tiring out. It was a very large house party as well, with each floor filled with other university students who were aiming for the same goals as Soyeon—to get absolutely wasted.

Therefore, that is precisely what she did.

She didn't know what time it was when the same rendition of 'Cupid' played for the thirtieth time, but it might have been half a bottle of vodka in, one that the party hosts reserved for Eunjin because they were friends. Needless to say, the entirety of that bottle went to both Soyeon and Eunjin.

"Don't you want to slow down?" Jungkook asked her as she poured another shot into her red solo cup in the kitchen, timidly standing behind her, sober since the moment he realized she was going to drink. Therefore, Jungkook was subject to babysitting Soyeon just as how Taehyung was responsible for babysitting the equally drunk Eunjin.

He didn't mind it, though, considering it meant Jungkook would witness Soyeon's cute mannerisms that she would never show him otherwise.

"I'm just getting started," Soyeon hummed and took the shot, barely squinting as she slowly pressed her lips to Jungkook's cup of Coke that was practically her chaser all evening. "Why aren't you dancing with the others?"

Soyeon pointed hazily to the dark living room where people danced, including her friends, and especially Horang and Jimin, who were very close, to say the least.

"To make sure you don't collapse and embarrass the shit out of yourself," Jungkook responded, grabbing the emptying bottle from her hands when she tried to pour another shot. "Seriously, Soyeon—does your body not have a clue when you should stop drinking?"

"Nope. Let's go dance," she said before grabbing Jungkook's wrist to lead him to where the others were, but before she could step out of the kitchen, she felt a chill run up her spine and bury itself in her temples, a cold sweat falling over her body.

"Soyeon?" Jungkook cocked an eyebrow when she suddenly halted.

Slowly, she turned to him, and his eyes went immediately wide when he saw the paleness of her skin. "Bathroom."

In the speed of light, Jungkook was ushering her to the nearby bathroom that he knew the location of after standing outside of it many times due to Soyeon's small bladder. Except this time, he was accompanying her inside, making sure to shut the door to save her the humiliation of someone catching her hurling into the toilet.

And over the toilet she hovered, her hands hugged against her chest as Jungkook gently pulled her hair back. "Let it out."

Soyeon closed her eyes, her stomach in an internal war. "It's not coming out."

Jungkook scrunched his nose but nonetheless held her hair back diligently as he sat beside her. "Well, don't force it."

Soyeon let out a whine as she fell onto her bottom rather clumsily from her level of intoxication, her eyelids fighting to stay open. The boy let out a chuckle, his hands falling to his lap as the two sat beside the toilet, where they would even cringe at the thought of sitting beside the next day.

"What did I say about drinking too much?" Jungkook cocked his eyebrow and closed the toilet seat, just to make this proximity to it a bit more bearable. Soyeon sighed and leaned her head against the cabinet of the counter right beside the toilet, her red lips in a pout.

Jungkook sat in the silence, admiring her droopy eyelids and hazy smile. Even completely plastered, Soyeon looked like a Greek goddess, and had a childish side to her that he found amusing and rather addicting.

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