vi. Call

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"IN A RAPTUROUS memory, the rain pours even when I dance alone. By the time this mist clears, I'll run with my feet wet. So hug me then."

Soyeon stared at the boy on the stage, eyes closed as his voice filled the bar, echoing and creating a melodic heaven for the audience, and for the perplexed girl in her tiny dress, a raucous earthquake filled with the thunders of realization.

Jungkook was the boy who sang that night. Jungkook was the voice that stopped her world. Jungkook was the blurred figure she saw through her thick tears.

Jungkook was the owner of the voice she fell in love with.

"Even though I always know the morning will come, I want to stay in your sky like a star."

Was it fate that she would meet the very boy that was etched in the back of her mind as a long-lost, though unforgettable memory? Soyeon never pondered the existence of any beings in the universe ushering events and controlling people as if they were puppets, but this was plain weird. That Jungkook was the one to change her world that fateful night which started with the churning of Soyeon's aching heart but ended with the delightful memory of Jungkook's honey voice.

"When will it be? If I see you again, I will look into your eyes and say, 'I missed you.'"

And just like the first time she heard Jungkook's voice, it made her heart pound, completely mesmerized by his performance. It was as though she had seen Jungkook in a new light, not from the purple lights from the small stage, but from pure bewilderment of the chances of them meeting and becoming-–what she assumed—acquainted with each other. That she had any form of connection to him in the first place, after only hearing him in her dreams, from trying to take apart the blurred picture she had of him in his head. It was clear as water now.

Deep in her thoughts, the song ended with a light applause and a few cheers from Jungkook's friends who stood beside Soyeon.

Jungkook smiled hazily as he fixed his hair a bit and leaned closely to the microphone. "Hello," he started with a shy smile. "That was my song Still With You. My name's Jeon Jungkook, just a student with dreams of becoming a singer. I'll get started with my next song, because you guys probably don't want to listen to me just talk," he admitted, erupting a low rumble of laughter from the audience.

With that, he turned around to motion to the guitarist, and soon, a soothing guitar melody filled the bar, grabbing the audience's attention once more, and especially, Soyeon's hallowed stare.

"He's good, right?" Hoseok leaned over to ask Soyeon quietly, a proud smile on his cheeks. She silently nodded, eyes glued to the boy on stage who began to sing into the microphone, catching her in a spell once more. She wondered if he knew she was there. His eyes remained closed for the majority of his singing, and the few times they opened, they would be fixed on the back of the bar, as if he were too shy to meet eyes with the audience. It mesmerized her that with a voice like that, he could have any sort of stage fright. He was amazing.

"Please, don't see. Just a boy caught up in dreams and fantasies..."

After a rather short performance, Jungkook thanked and bowed to the audience before turning to the band members. However, Soyeon watched as a few words were exchanged, and within a second, Jungkook was walking off of the stage, seemingly done with his job. Soyeon's previous speculation of whether or not he knew their existence in the crowd was deemed false when he walked straight toward them, smile turning shy as his friends immediately started cheering for him loudly.

"Holy, shit, man! You didn't tell me you were this good at singing! Why didn't you ever invite us to any of your other shows?" Jimin exclaimed as Taehyung draped his arm over Jungkook's shoulder, tugging him to his slightly smaller height as the younger boy sported a bashful smile.

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