vii. Mess

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jeon jungkook
can u send me your notes later :))))))

you're literally here take notes yourself

jeon jungkook
my laptop just died

Soyeon glanced up from her phone as her music professor lectured on about Baroque music, indeed seeing Jungkook's laptop shut closed. His black-booted foot tapped her shin, a cheeky smile on his face when she glared at him. She turned back to her phone that she hid under her desk.

better pay attention

jeon jungkook

but theres gonna be a whole section on baroque music that will be missing because you're distracting me

jeon jungkook
i'll be fine
how caring of u to think of me

shut up

jeon jungkook
is ur boyfriend still pestering u from missing his call the other night

very much so
he made me give him my location 24/7

jeon jungkook
jesus soyeon
if i was ur boyfriend i would trust u
if i was ur boyfriend...
i would never let you go
i can take u places u aint ever been before

Jungkook had to bite back his chuckle when he saw Soyeon choke on her laughter, attracting the attention of the students in front of them who sent them curious glances over their shoulders. Soyeon collided her foot with his ankle before turning off her phone and resuming to her laptop, trying to ignore Jungkook's playful stare that turned her ears red.

The pitch black of night and the early arrival of winter this year made Soyeon shiver as she walked down the street toward her dorm building, hugging herself to combat the cold. Her boyfriend walking beside her in his oversized jean jacket was of no help, sticking his hands comfortably in his pockets, raving about how radical one of his professors was for docking him points based on citations or whatever—each of his words went through one ear and out the next.

"Anyways, your brother called," said Junho. "He wants to know how you're doing. How college is treating you."

Soyeon knew that was a fat lie—if he was really curious, he would call her himself, except he had never been curious about her in her entire life, so his questions were merely to make fun of Soyeon for ditching a career in business to work for him someday. A genuine call from her brother one day would really mean the end times.

"It's good," is all she said.

Junho accompanied her into the building and into the elevator, praying that she didn't bump into Jungkook, simply because the inexistence of Jungkook to Junho was probably—definitely—for the better.

"Are you busy for the rest of the night?" Soyeon asked as they walked out of the elevator onto the fifth floor, primarily for her curiosity about whether or not Junho would ask to go into her room.

"Yeah, I'm actually planning on going out to eat with some friends. What about you? You aren't going to be cooped up in your room studying, are you?"

Soyeon chuckled awkwardly as they turned into her hallway. "No, I'm actually planning on—"

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