viii. Moon

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SOYEON'S TEETH CHATTERED as Jungkook brought her outside of the dorm building, her small hand snug in his tightly, even as she tried to slow him down, but he was determined. It was pitch black outside, with the streets emptier than ever and the weather extra cold, the air pricking at her cheeks and through her thin, silky two piece set of pink pajamas with teddy bears all over it.

"Can you at least tell me where we're going before I get hit by a car or something?" Soyeon asked, trying to keep up with his long strides.

"There are no cars, it's too late in the night," he refuted, his gaze still relentlessly forward as they got further and further away from the dorm.

"Exactly! Are you taking me somewhere to kill me, or something?" she exclaimed.

"Don't be dramatic," Jungkook stifled a laugh, his voice deep. "We're almost there."

Soon enough, the two reached a place behind another dorm building, which was definitely the perfect setting for a murder. However, once the smell of seaweed and saltwater filled her nose, she began to figure out where it was Jungkook brought her to.

It was a very small pier at the edge of campus, with a few boats floating on the water that was a part of the river that ran through the city. The wooden pier reached out far, but also extended onto the muddy soil that the water washed up on, providing a little curb for Jungkook and Soyeon to sit on.

"Woah," Soyeon looked around as she sat down beside Jungkook, immediately crossing her arms for warmth. The water sloshed slightly against the dirt like baby waves to a beach, the sound of crickets and frogs accompanying the darkness of night.

However, when she turned to look at Jungkook, she was surprised to see that his attention was not on the dirt, or the small waves, but up in the sky, where something illuminated his face so brightly that she could see it in his eyes.

It was the Moon, full and bright, gleaming onto their faces and the river perfectly, as if there were a thousand diamonds on the surface of the water.

"Woah," she whispered, caught under the full moon's spell. She understood why Jungkook brought her out here—it was for this.

"Cool, right?" Jungkook said lowly. "It's a full moon tonight. I knew I had to come and see it."

A smile found its way to Soyeon's face. She hadn't gone moongazing in years—ever since she was a child. Since then, she had lived in such tall cities where the Moon would be covered by towering buildings, like her parents' company building. It almost took her away from her worries, but the presence of Jungkook himself invited the memories from that night to flow through her head.

Did Jungkook come here often? She wondered if he ventured here every time the Moon showed itself, and particularly why this full moon made him decide to bring her along. Of course, she wasn't complaining—this was a sight to behold.

"So," she spoke up hesitantly with an awkward smile. "Dinner was... definitely something, wasn't it?"

Jungkook turned to her, a conniving grin on his lips. "Your boyfriend is a lot shorter than I thought."

Soyeon laughed, loudly, spurring on Jungkook even further as he smiled widely. "Jungkook."

"What? I'm not joking," he chuckled. "Got to be honest, I don't know what you see in him. I know someone much better for you."

"Oh, really?" Soyeon decided to play along, hugging herself tighter to combat the cold. "And who would that be?"

"You're looking at him," he snickered. "Joking."

She stifled a laugh through her nose, her eyes falling on the water. "He wasn't always like... this. I used to really believe I loved him."

"How did you meet?"

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