xxi. Closer

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THE WEEKS THAT passed were full of happiness between Soyeon and Jungkook, spending nearly everyday with each other, whether it was by studying in the dorms, by taking an hour at night to stargaze, or watching cheesy movies all night on Saturdays. It was each of these fleeting moments that the adoration Soyeon held for the boy only grew, further than she had ever expected. She truly believed that, even spending one day without Jungkook, she would start experiencing withdrawal symptoms like he was a drug—which she couldn't entirely debate against.

However, constantly at the back of her mind, was an itch, an annoying fly, reminding her that at the end of the day, this was all to be a secret. That she had a boyfriend, and this reminder would come at the most random of times, like when she would share a kiss with Jungkook or wait for him to come back with takeout.

But she couldn't help it. Like Jungkook said, 'live in the moment'. Because she never knew how short this moment would be. She never knew how quickly Jungkook could be taken away from her, just as quickly she had fallen for him.  

Still, she would bury these thoughts, especially on a certain Friday night, when Soyeon found herself at a party with her friends. It was actually the third one they'd gone to that night, bouncing around several houses when the alcohol ran out—this house had plenty to go around still.

For the first time in a while, Soyeon was more sober than Jungkook. Except she could only tell by the subtle glances she took toward him, for she was dancing a bit further away with Eunjin, Hoseok, and Namjoon, while Jungkook talked with Taehyung in the corner, a red cup in his hands and a sinful black button up exposing some of his chest. His sleeves were rolled up, displaying his array of tattoos on his right arm as well as the rings scattered on his fingers—Soyeon had to tear her eyes away each time.

The distance of these glances, however, were interrupted by a certain couple who even the others would glance at time to time, but in worry.

In a more crowded area of the house, Jimin and Horang danced, messily, smiles dazed from their drunkness. It was probably the first time Soyeon had seen Horang that carefree, much less act like her age.

"Is Jimin a total bad influence on her or what?" remarked Eunjin as she squinted at the two lovebirds.

"Weren't you the one who berated her for staying in and studying?" Soyeon chuckled over the music, taking the last sip of the screwdriver cocktail she made. "I'm going to refill my drink."

With that, she navigated away from her friends and toward the kitchen, the music getting quieter the further she walked. She grabbed the bottle of vodka that was emptying rapidly, with the amount of people in the party, as well as the orange juice as though this were her house.

A few seconds into pouring the vodka into her cup, she felt a warm hand on her waist, planting itself there comfortably. Then, before she could turn around to swat whoever this stupid and presumptuous male was, she felt the brushes of a whisper by her ear.

"Hey, beautiful."

Immediately recognizing the voice, a smile grew on her lips as she set the vodka bottle down. She turned her head slightly to the right and was met with the heavy gaze of Jungkook, his eyes darkened and an equally devilish smirk prominent on his lips. He smelled of liquor mixed with his usual coconut scent, a combination ridiculously sexy enough for Soyeon to be drunk even by his proximity. It wasn't helping that his lack of presence throughout the night had driven her insane, that even standing beside him at this moment, she could pounce on him without a care if anyone sees.

She was not drunk enough to make that choice, however. "Careful, there."

Jungkook stifled a laugh, leaning his waist against the counter as his hand dropped from her back. "I promise you, everyone at this party is too drunk to pay attention to anything that's going on here. Do you, by any chance, need to puke or anything?"

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