v. Him

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Soyeon draped her arm over her forehead as she lay on her back on the carpeted floor of her dorm, surrounded by her concerned best friends in the middle of hearing an engaging story by the dramatically sorrowful girl.

"I don't want to repeat it," Soyeon exasperated. Horang had just returned from her morning lab, scattering her items across her desk as she silently listened to Soyeon. Eunjin hovered over Soyeon with her belly on her bed, her eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"So," Eunjin cleared her throat, leaning onto her elbows. "Basically, Jungkook, the guy who lives on our floor that you met only a few days ago, pledged to you, that he was going to make you dump your toxic boyfriend?"


"That's the hottest thing I've ever heard."

Soyeon made a noise of confusion as she tore her arm away from her face, looking up at Eunjin's upside-down bewildered features. "Eunjin—Horang, what do you think?"

Horang shrugged as she jumped onto her bed, slipping a hoodie on. "I think it's sweet. But why can't you just break up with him? Why does he think he's the only one who could do it? Like he's your savior, or something? Please."

The girl on the floor sighed, facing the ceiling once more. "It's complicated."

"Show me his Instagram again," Eunjin held her hand out, waving it impatiently until Soyeon finally handed her the phone with Jungkook's Instagram page glowing on the screen.


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