xviii. Hopelessly

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SOYEON WAS NEVER a strong believer of destiny. Growing up with her entire life planned out to every minute detail, there was no room for believing in such fruitful ideas. Her life would be written out for her like a script to follow.

That was until she took control of her own life, choosing to stray from the path her parents had written for her. She was on a new one, albeit still impacted by her parents' influence—but she had rewritten it to fit her desires.

What she never expected, however, was to find someone who would dissolve her pessimistic belief of the idea of destiny. And this someone took the shape and form of Jeon Jungkook, who fit in her life so well that she believed his presence in her daily life was in fact, destiny. She knew this through the passion she felt for him—the longing, the desire to be by his side constantly. Jungkook had become a pillar of hope for Soyeon's otherwise bland life that was slightly still in the hands of her parents—an escape, one that had the capacity to bring a smile on her face everyday.

Jungkook coming into her life was destiny. She could never deny that.

Her heart would flutter with that notion as they walked the streets of campus at night, making their way back to their dorm, hand in hand, inseparable like magnets. The Full Moon shined on them like a spotlight on the only pair in the streets this late at night, much to Soyeon's gratitude. Intimate moments like this, she believed, should be kept to themselves, tender memories that should be reserved to them only.

Jungkook had stopped by his dorm to inform Jimin and Taehyung that he was, in fact, safe, and that he would be spending the night at Soyeon's empty dorm. The two could suddenly care less about the implications of such a plan—all they cared about was to be by each other's side. This reigned especially true to Soyeon, who wanted to be there for him, to comfort him after the events that plagued him earlier that night.

Therefore, the two walked into Soyeon's dorm room, her desk lamp still bright, lightning the room a soft yellow. Jungkook slipped his shoes off before Soyeon gently pulled him toward her bed.

"Let me get changed, real quick, and we can go to bed. Yeah?" Soyeon gently smiled at Jungkook, who nodded with a half-smile. With that, Soyeon traveled to her bathroom to brush her teeth and change out of the oversized hoodie she had thrown on promptly before. The reminder of Jungkook sitting on her bed had her actions speeding up, hoping to join him quicker. Just the notion of him in her dorm room, in their lonesome, had her heart fluttering in excitement. Of course, this was not the first time—but it was in the newfound relationship they were in.

Shortly after brushing her teeth and freshening up, she exited the bathroom, hanging her hoodie up in her closet. She was left in a white shirt sleeve and her shorts, once again, a ridiculous choice for a winter night, but she knew she would have Jungkook's warmth that night.

She made her way to Jungkook, still sitting rather uncomfortably on the bed as he drummed his fingers on his thighs. His eyes were darting around the floor in deep thought, which Soyeon was quick to notice.

"What's wrong, Jungkook?" Soyeon asked as she turned off her desk lamp, engulfing the room into darkness, save for the slight moonlight that seeped through the window blinds. She climbed onto the bed, finally burying herself underneath the blankets, leaning against her pillow comfortably, waiting for him to join her.

Jungkook cleared his throat, purposely not meeting her gaze. "I just... Um... Can I take my hoodie off?"

Soyeon found herself smiling at his sudden shyness. "Yeah? Why do you have to ask?"

"I, um, I have nothing on under it."

She swallowed. Of course Jungkook would be shirtless underneath his hoodie in the dead of winter. Perhaps they really were made for each other.

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