thinking out loud ♡

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One of the strangest parts about growing up has had to be watching the same people you played barbies with get married and have kids.
You were only nineteen, but the amount of people that had come up engaged or pregnant since high school ended only a year ago was surprising.

      That being said, you had been getting invited to a lot of baby showers and weddings. A lot of times you felt you were only invited so you could bring the obligatory gift, though. Especially the girl you sat next to for only one semester of Spanish back in sophomore year who invited you to her wedding via Instagram DM, followed up with a link to her registry.

You knew of many people getting married or having kids, and it made great gossip whenever you would catch up with your high school friend group. Which, in turn, made great gossip for you to share with Matt. He didn't go to your high school or nor did he even know you in high school, but he knew all the drama. And as much as he acted like he didn't care or want to hear about it, he was usually the one to bring it up after he knew you'd met with your friends.

But you had yet to attend any of those events despite the invitations you'd been receiving. You just felt it was weird attending a party for such an intimate moment for someone you hadn't spoken to in three plus years. No one in your friend group was getting married or having babies, either. So you just sipped your tea while your friends around you spilled it.

"...and they popped the balloon and bam! It was a boy! But oh my gosh, you would not believe the reaction Sierra's mom had when she saw that blue flying all over the ground. Total meltdown..."

You listened intently to your longtime friend, Natalia, talk about her recent experience at her freshman year ex's gender reveal. She, unlike you, lived for these kinds of events. And every month when your friend group would meet up at Starbucks, she always had the exclusive info on the seemingly picture perfect events you saw on Instagram.

"No," your friend next to you, Taylor's jaw dropped.

"Yes. And then of course his mom didn't like that, so she got in her mom's face saying she wasn't even sure the baby was really his! Said they're getting a DNA test as soon as it comes out. And yes, she said it."

There were collective gasps and giggles among your friend group as they took in the information. As it died down though, another one of your friends, Megan, suddenly gasped loud and squealed while holding her phone. Your friend group looked around at each other inquisitively as you all waited for her to calm down enough to speak.

Eventually she regained herself and said, "Lindsey's getting married!" To which caused a chain reaction of squeals among your friend group, Taylor next to you begging to see her phone. You looked around and saw people staring, but you didn't care. Lindsey was a girl who was usually part of your friend group, but didn't make it this month because her boyfriend of three years surprised her with a trip to France. I guess that makes sense..

"Facetime. Right now," Taylor demanded as she snatched Megan's phone.

It rang a few times as your friends rushed to gather around the screen. Her face appeared and you all looked at each other for a second, before going in for your second round of collective squeals as your friends all said their congratulations on top of each other. You saw your friend hiding her smile behind her left hand, with the wedding ring on, only making your friends go crazier.

"I just can't believe that it's happening to one of my friends. I literally remember playing barbies with this girl. So crazy," you expressed to Matt later on that night when you stopped over at the triplet's house. You were sitting on the counter beside him as he was stirring the sauce to his spaghetti.

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