scared ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡

      "Oh my gosh, it's so big!" You squealed as your crew approached one of Chicago's staple attractions- the bean. You chose to ignore the snickers behind you coming from Malcom and Tril, grabbing Chris' arm and running towards it.

The triplets were currently on tour and you had joined them, along with some of their other friends and crew. Luckily, your college still offered remote learning from the pandemic so you were able to be there from start to finish. You just occasionally had to lock yourself in the back of the bus while in lecture or to work on your studies. You loved being on the road, traveling had always been one of your biggest dreams. Now, thanks to the profession of your lovely boyfriend, you were able to go to places you thought you would only dream of and do all the cheesy touristy things to your heart's desire.

Chicago was always at the top of your list, and now here you were- face to face with the world's biggest bean. When the others caught up with you, you pulled Matt aside so Chris could take a picture of you guys under the bean. You wanted photos to remember all the things you did on the trip, but you didn't want someone to take a photo of just you, so you would rope the nearest person into it. Chris was always the one who took it though, you were too shy to ask anyone besides him to do something for you. You and Matt both had wide grins with your thumbs up, and Chris had a wide grin himself taking your photo. He loved seeing you so happy, and it made him feel even better that you were able to do these things because of him.

You, Matt, Chris, Nick and Madi were all chilling by the bean, waiting for whatever came next when a snowball collided with the back of your head. You jolted forward a little bit in surprise, and turned around to see Tril crouched behind a trashcan. Well, as much as someone his size could hide behind something so small. Nick immediately got out his camera as he could smell good content from a mile away. Malcolm was behind a trash can a few feet away from Tril, and immediately started laughing when he saw the white on the back of your head. Tril had a sheepish grin as he ducked, his initial target being Chris. He got what he wanted though, Chris immediately going to war to defend your honor. Matt joined him as well while you and Madi watched from a distance as to not get caught in the crossfire.

After the bean you guys were supposed to go shopping at an outdoor mall, so while you waited you and Madi discussed what stores you wanted to go to. Unfortunately for the both of you, it turned out to be a male-centric mall. No Sephora, no Aerie, not even American Eagle. "This sucks," Madi commented as she scrolled through the directory.

"For real," you agreed, looking over her shoulder at the options.

"I mean there's literally nothing. And it's not even the good men's stores either, it's freaking Finish Line and Spencer's."

You continued to watch as she scrolled when something caught your eye- something purple. "Wait, oh my gosh go back."

She did as you said and immediately saw what you were talking about, "wait, yes!"

Out of all the men's stores, the one women's store they had wasn't even actually a women's store- it was more like a girl's store; Claire's. You hadn't been to a Claire's since you were in fourth grade. You would beg your mom to take you so you could look for Justin Bieber merch as you were in your belieber phase, while he was in his "Boyfriend" phase. You shuddered at the memory, but luckily you could blame it on the cold. "So we're doing it? Oh my gosh, we need to get matching necklaces!" Madi stressed and you laughed. "Absolutely. Definitely the half heart ones."

You were both so caught up in your conversation you didn't even notice how the the great snowball war of 2023 ended, with your boyfriend and Matt being triumphant. Chris was all smiles when he ran up to you guys, "Babe, I won for you. I defended your honor, did you see?"

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