rem ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡

You groaned as your alarm clock went off at 6AM on a Friday. Usually the dreaded sound wouldn't go off until eight, but today you had a responsibility to fulfill.

       Your best friend, Chris, was meant to get his wisdom teeth removed today. Even though he puts up a tough front, being as close to him as his brothers, you knew he was terrified. So he asked- well, more so begged, you to be there for him.

"Please~," you reminisced him begging you on facetime last night.

"Why me!" You cried out in exasperation.

"Because you're my emotional support human," he reasoned.

"But Nick and Matt will be there-"

"To make fun of me." He finished, "please, I need you. Protect me from saying or doing anything embarrassing. I can't have that living on the internet forever." He gave you puppy dog eyes through the phone, to which you rolled your eyes.

"Fine, just stop doing that," you laughed. He gave you his signature smile as a thank you.

"What time should I be at your house?" You asked.

"Six thirty," he replied quickly and hung up to prevent your refusal. You let out a deep breath as you stared at your home screen. You turned it off and rolled over, falling asleep for the night.

That sleep was cut short all too soon, because now it was 6:05 and you're still in your waking up stage. This kid better be lucky I love him, you thought as you pulled the blankets back and got up to get ready.

And it was the truth- you loved him. "As a friend," you would say anytime someone would question your relationship. And that was true, you two were just friends. But if you were honest with yourself, you wanted to be more. You had it in your mind, however, that he didn't want a relationship. Maybe it was because of all the times he said that he didn't want to be in a relationship. Either way, you weren't going to risk a friendship over feelings. He was in your life and that was all you cared about.

You had met all three of the triplets through your cousin Madi, who was their manager's daughter. And like Nick had Madi, Chris then had you to be his partner in crime. And you've been inseparable ever since.

So it wasn't a surprise to Nick or Matt when you rang their doorbell at 6:20 in the morning, wearing one of Chris' hoodies and an exhausted expression.

      Matt chuckled in amusement as he watched you walk over to the dining table in your zombie-like trance. Once you made it to a chair, you slumped forward on the table with your head down. You stayed like that for a few minutes until you felt a comforting hand rub your back.

       You turned your head to the side and peeked at Chris who was in his own zombie state, zoned out eating a granola bar.

      You looked in front of you and saw the same one he was eating, he must've gotten one for you. Your heart fluttered at the idea, but you quickly shut yourself down and went back to your half-sleep.

       "Alright!" Nick spoke loudly into the silence, making you jump. Chris and Matt let out a synchronized chuckle as they watched you. Nick smiled at you in apology, "are we ready?"

      Everyone let out grunts in response, you all piling down the stairs and into the van. It was early morning so there wasn't any banter like usual. Just some soft r&b playing in the background.

       The triplets were in their usual spots and you were in the back with Nick. You were looking out the window, admiring the rain when you felt a tap on your knee. You looked down and saw that Chris had reached his hand behind his seat, open for you to hold it. You smiled and joined your hands, rubbing your thumb over his hand. You didn't see it but Chris smiled, too when he felt you interlock your fingers.

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