couple of kids ♡

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       Being on tour with your boyfriend Chris had been the adventure of a lifetime for you. You thought that everything you needed was in California, but as it turns out- the world has much more to offer. In fact, you found yourself surprisingly loving the Midwest. There was something calming about the open fields and limited city life. It was a stark contrast to LA, where there was no time to ever slow down, because everything was always on the move. You thought you might move around here someday.

You saw and experienced things you never thought you would. You saw the bean in Chicago, the grand canyon in Arizona. You even saw biggest grocery store in the world in Ohio. As much as it was a dream to get those items off your bucket list, you had to admit- you preferred the downtime more than anything.

The times where everyone was in the bus, playing uno until 2AM. Or the times the bus would stop off at McDonald's late at night after a show and you all would mess around in the parking lot. Or even the times like right now, where you would shove the hotel's complimentary breakfast down your throat as you all raced to get back to the bus after oversleeping. Well, today it was just you and Chris.

"Guys, seriously it's time to get up." Nick said, standing over the head of the bed.

Chris raised his hand and waved him off, keeping his back turned to Nick as he spooned you.

If you were facing him, you would've seen the way he sassily placed his hands on his hips, displeased with Chris' response- or lack of. "Guys, I've been telling you to get up for half an hour. We leave at nine, it's eight twenty eight."

"Five more minutes," Chris grumbled, speaking for the both of you.

Nick rolled his eyes, "you know what? Fine. Sleep all you want, I don't care. This is the last time I'm waking you up, though. So if you're left behind don't say I didn't warn you."

"Mhm," Chris replied in his half awake state.

Nick stood there for a second and huffed, taking his stuff and going downstairs to join the rest of the crew for breakfast. He made sure to shut the door louder than normal, but you had both already fallen back asleep.

What was five minutes turned into ten, which turned into thirty, which eventually turned into fifty.

You sighed peacefully as you woke up wrapped in a Chris cocoon. You actually were supposed to share a room with Madi, but Chris managed to convince you to stay with him. When you expressed concern for Madi being alone, Chris kicked out his roommate Nick to be with her, leaving no room for argument.

As you were basking in the feeling of his arms wrapped around you, they tightened ever so slightly indicating he was also waking up. You grabbed the hands around your waist in yours and you felt him smile against your neck. You two stayed like that for a few minutes, until you felt ready to face reality.

You leaned over to reach the nightstand to grab your phone, Chris' hold not making it an easy task.

"What time is it?" He asked right as you gasped after seeing it.

You immediately sprung out of bed and ran around the room like a madman, until you realized all your stuff was in Madi's room. "It's eight fifty two," you responded.

His eyes opened for the first time that morning at that. He got up and started getting his stuff together, while you ran down the hall into yours and Madi's room. Her side was bare, having been abandoned long ago while your suitcase was open on the floor and your products were all over the bathroom. You collected everything in your arms and dumped it in without care. You then grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a fresh love shirt you turned into a crop top, quickly changing.

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