mean ♡

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      ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡

Something Matt always loved about you was your optimism. You had an ability to turn any negative into a positive. He wouldn't necessarily consider himself a pessimistic person, but you always helped him see the brighter side of things.

       "My handwriting is so shit," he said one day after handing you flowers and a card.

       "Stop it. I," you set the items down and cupped his face in your hands, "love it. And do you know why?"

      He gave you a small smile and shook his head lightly. To which you responded, "because it's your handwriting. It's unique to you, and that makes it beautiful to me. It means a lot that you would take the time to make something like this for me. Thank you, baby."

       His smile grew at your words and he tried to look away, but your hands had his face trapped. When you felt his cheeks get hot between your hands, you pulled him in for a sweet kiss to which he immediately reciprocated.

      In fact, Matt has never even seen you cry. Sometimes he was convinced you didn't even know what it was like to be sad.

      But you were human, and just like anyone else you had your breaking point. For the past few weeks, a crack had been slowly spreading in your heart. And every day that passed it threatened to break wide open.

      The only correlation you could make would be the fact that a few weeks ago, you and Matt had gone public with your relationship. Well, officially. There was one time a month or so earlier where he accidentally posted you on his main snapchat story and not his private. Even though the picture was deleted within seconds, it spread around like a wildfire. Everyone was wondering, "who is she?" You weren't famous or in the influencer world, you were just a normal girl.

       A few internet sleuths had managed to find you through Matt's Instagram follow list, but your account was already on private. However, that didn't stop the DMs from flooding in.

      Get away from Matt

      Are you Matt's girlfriend?

      You're not even pretty, why is he hanging out with you?

      You're so ugly

      He deserves better.

      You were shocked by how cruel people could be based off of one picture. None of these people even knew anything about you, yet they were making judgements of your character. You didn't interact, but it bothered you in a way you couldn't explain. You weren't used to being the bad guy, the one coming in between Matt and his supporters. You occasionally saw the "if he's happy then support it" comments on his posts, but they were quickly drowned out with hate.

       Matt had warned you at the beginning of your relationship that this could happen. However, being the optimist you were, you assured him that you fully believed his fanbase would be supportive of him no matter what if he was happy. And even if they weren't, it wouldn't change how much you loved him. "If no one supports you, I still will," you reassured, and he smiled. Your support was all he truly needed, and he couldn't deny how happy he was with you.

      A few weeks ago, he asked you if he could make your relationship public. He was surprised by your hesitance, but you had never told him about the hate you were getting since the accidental picture. You asked him to give you time to think about it, and you spent the next few days trying your hardest to convince yourself of a positive outcome.

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