anxiety ♡

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       When you had first started dating Matt, he presented himself like an open book to you. He spared no expense in sharing all of himself, instantly feeling a sense of comfort with you. Of course there were some things you had to find out through experience, like the Liam Neeson obsession you had no clue about until one day you opened the door to his room and the man was everywhere. Or the fact that his stuffed pug had "bed priority", when you saw him sitting directly in the middle of the bed the first time you slept over. Not to mention the yell Matt let out when you picked him up and placed him on the nightstand, grabbing him and placing him back in his designated spot on the bed.

You and Matt were very similar, so when he started sharing things, you did too. He knew all about your former fan girl days, after you confided in him when seeing his Liam Neeson shrine. And he knew about your squishmallow obsession when he visited your place for the first time and saw them neatly stacked in a corner. You guys were alike in ways you would never have even guessed, but you guessed that's why you were perfect for each other.

One of the more important experiences you and Matt shared was anxiety. You were actually the first person who brought it up in your relationship. You had been dating for around a month at that point, and he was taking you out to dinner at a nice restaurant.

You remember stressing from the moment you woke up that day. It took you two hours to do your makeup alone, and you still weren't satisfied with the end result. After finishing your hair and choosing an outfit, you looked in the mirror and wanted to cry. You felt like the people in the restaurant would know you weren't like them, that you shouldn't be there. You didn't let yourself cry, though. Matt had already sent the text saying he was on his way.

You paced through your apartment back and forth as you waited for him to arrive, your anxiety growing by the minute. By the time he had texted you he was downstairs, you felt like you couldn't breathe. You would try to take deep breaths, but the only ones your body would allow were quick and shallow.

Matt was downstairs in his van, oblivious to your struggle. He started growing anxious himself waiting on you, fearing you may have stood him up. After ten minutes of waiting, he called you.

It was like your heart stopped when you heard the phone ringing. You were so deep in panic mode that you hadn't even realized he was already there. With shaking hands you picked up, "hello?"

Matt immediately sensed the waiver in your voice when you answered, "hey, are you ok?"

You gave a hefty sigh and that's all Matt needed to hear before he turned off the car and headed upstairs to you. "Yeah, I'm fine," you tried to convince. Matt was having none of it.

"I'll be down in a sec-" you were cut off by a knock on your door. Every part of you wanted to hide in your room and act like you weren't home, this was your nightmare. But part of you also knew that if you and Matt were going to last, he would have to see you and accept you at your worst. So you hung up and opened the door, greeted by the boy you needed most in that moment.

When you opened the door and Matt saw your disheveled figure, he immediately collected you in his arms. He was surprised by the vibrations of your shaking, causing him to tighten his grip more to help ground you.

The shaking didn't subside, but it did calm after a few minutes. He pulled back and held you at arms length, looking in your eyes. You weren't crying, but he could see the shine in your eyes that made it seem like you were going to burst at any moment.

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