here with me ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡

      You tapped your pen on your paper, thinking carefully over the answers you chose. You weren't the best at school, especially not math, so having to deal with a midterm exam today was not ideal. It was a timed test, and you only had forty five minutes to complete it.

Being on a time limit didn't help when every time you turned in the direction of the clock, you had a perfect view of your boyfriend, Matthew, who was also taking the test. You turned once more to look at the clock and smiled to yourself when you saw his eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he counted on his fingers. You looked a few seconds too long because the teacher had seemed to take notice of your lack of attention, calling your name and asking you to turn back around. You caught a glimpse of the clock before you did, fifteen minutes. You groaned internally, knowing that you were going to absolutely flunk this test. You were gonna need a mountain of extra credit to make up for this.

Even though you weren't the best student, your grades were actually pretty decent. You played on your school's volleyball team, and one of the requirements of joining the team was keeping your grades above a C. You were ok when it came to homework and quizzes, but for some reason tests always got you, and you often failed. The only thing keeping your head above water was the extra credit you would pick up. Most of your teachers had no hesitation with giving you extra credit, except your math teacher. For some reason she always made a big fuss, and you often had to get your coach, who was also her husband, to vouch for you. You swore she had it out for you or something. Needless to say, you weren't excited about getting back the results from this test.

Soon enough, the bell rang and you were dismissed. Math was your last period, so you didn't have to dwell on failing for the entire day. You sighed, getting up and into line to turn your paper in. Once you made it to the front, your teacher handed you a stack of papers, "I'm assuming you want extra credit?"

You looked down, embarrassed and nodded, taking the papers after handing her yours. When you turned, you saw Matt lingering by, waiting for you. He didn't look too pleased about your teacher's snarkiness, either. Matt was also a student athlete, his sport of choice being lacrosse, and he also struggled academically. It was nice to always have someone who understood. You joined hands and he shot your teacher a glare before turning around and exiting with you.

You made it to his car where his brothers Nick and Chris were already waiting, leaning against it. Matt unlocked it as you were walking over and they hopped in the back. Usually his brother Chris would sit in the front, but he knew the drill when you were around.

Matt opened and closed your door for you before walking around to his side and starting up the car. "So, how was everyone's day?" Nick asked as you Matt started driving.

You groaned, "not great. Completely failed my math test."

"Babe, you don't even know that. We just turned it in, it'll be fine." Matt reasoned.

You let out a sigh, "either way, I got extra credit to work on. And she made sure that everyone in the room knew that."

"What'd she say?" Chris asked from behind you.

You turned around to face him. "I gave her my test and she immediately handed me these, saying she assumed I would need extra credit."

Nick's jaw dropped, and Matt shook his head, "It was so uncalled for, I can't stand that woman."

"Dang," was Chris' response, and you turned back around in your seat. It was silent for a moment, Nick thinking what to say to lift your spirits. He tried to think of things you liked and immediately remembered- sports. "Are you excited for your game Friday?"

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