my favorite clothes ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡

There were many benefits that came with being with your boyfriend, Chris. One of those benefits being having access to an endless supply of hoodies. You were at the triplet's house, it was around ten and you all were playing Mario Kart. Well, you had given up on playing after the last round, your rank never getting higher than third amongst the four of you- and that was just because Chris felt bad for you. So you opted to watch as they battled against each other. You didn't realize it while you were playing, but it was actually a pretty comedic sight. Matt was next to you, fidgeting and jerking around in his seat as if he was actually in a vehicle. Chris and Nick were both standing, concentrated looks on their faces. You laughed when Chris got closer to the tv, making Matt scream because he was blocking his view. Chris didn't move though, and Matt's rank went from second to nineth.

       Once the round was over, all that could be heard was panting breaths for a moment. Two seconds later the music for the next round started, and they quickly went back into game mode. As you were watching them, a quick draft came through the room, making you shiver in your seat. You thought about getting up and grabbing a blanket from the blanket basket, but you quickly changed your direction as you thought, if I'm already getting up I might as well go grab a hoodie. You looked behind you from the kitchen, none of them noticing that you had even moved, too engrossed in their game.

     You fled down the steps and into Chris' room, beelining for his closet. The boy's closet was 75% hoodie, always giving you a wide variety of selection. As you shuffled through your options though, none of them appealed to you, and you knew why. They were all clean. And don't get it wrong- you appreciated that he wore clean clothes instead of picking up whatever was laying on the floor. You'd seen your brother do that one too many times. Chris wasn't the cleanest boy in the world- that spot was reserved for Matt, but he did care about his fashion. He never wore the same thing twice in a month, always wanting to keep it as fresh as his clothing brand. His sense of style was something you loved about him- he never looked bad. However, it did cause a dilemma for you. That dilemma being none of his clothes ever smelled like him. And you were not about to dig through his hamper in the bathroom like some stalker.

     You sighed looking through your options, too engrossed in your decision to hear the boy's footsteps come down the stairs and behind you. You jumped as a pair of arms found their way around your waist, and a head found its way to your shoulder, "whatcha doing?"

     You didn't know why, but heat started coming to your cheeks. You felt like you had been caught red handed. "I just got cold..." you trailed off, still facing the closet.

      He smiled to himself. He wouldn't say it because he would die of cringe, but he loved when you wore his clothes. He loved when you sought out an old t-shirt before bed. He loved when you grabbed one of his jackets before going out. He loved seeing you wear his brand, he liked to think of it as a subtle way that you let everyone know you were his girl. He loved when you stole his hoodies and took them home with you when you wanted comfort. He just loved you. "I've been watching you for like four minutes now, just pick one."

     You sighed exasperatedly. You didn't want any of those. You knew you weren't going to get anywhere, so you swallowed your pride. "I want that one," you said, turning around and pointing at his chest.

      He looks down to where you finger pointed, then back up at you with a confused look on his face. "But I'm already wearing this one."

     You groaned. He was so clueless where it came to women, meaning you were really gonna have to spell it out, "that's why."

     He continued to look at you with a lost puppy dog expression on his face. You looked down as you felt your cheeks get even hotter, "these are all clean, they don't smell like you."

      You didn't dare life your head up out of pure embarrassment, but his expression finally turned to one of understanding. He could sense your embarrassment, so he wrapped his arms around you, and tilted your head up to look at him. He was looking at you with a teasing expression, making you want to crawl in a hole and die of cringe for yourself. "Hmm, I don't know. I'm already pretty cozy."

     You pouted, "fine, forget about it."

     He laughed and kissed your forehead, taking his arms from around you and lifting them over his head to comply with your request. He handed you the sacred hoodie and you immediately pulled it over yourself, already feeling warmer from the fuzzy feeling in your chest. It was his new brown Fresh Love hoodie, so you turned around to the closet and pulled out another one so he could match you. He rolled his eyes at you, knowing his brothers would make fun of him when you both walked back up the stairs. But the smile on your face made him grab it and put it on. You knew anytime you gave him that smile he would do whatever you wanted. You clapped as he put it on, hugging him when it was all the way over his head. He hugged you back, holding you close to him for a moment. He felt you pull away slightly and thought it was over, but was pleasantly surprised with a soft kiss to the lips. Then you were the one who held him there for a moment, taking in the indescribable feeling of his lips against yours. You would never get tired of it.

     You were the one to break it, officially pulling away much to his dismay. You grabbed his hand and led him back up the stairs, where Matt and Nick were going head to head in a 1v1 race. When you got closer to look at the screen, you noticed Matt was winning. Chris noticed that as well from behind you, and during the last round he tackled him from behind, Nick quickly taking the lead. Nick laughed maniacally while Matt yelled at Chris and flipped him off as he smiled and went to sit next to you.

     Nick stood in victory while Matt threw his controller next to where Chris was sitting. He looked at you both for a moment, then said, "I hope you know you look fucking ridiculous with your matching outfits."

     You laughed at his comment, not taking it as a shot against you because you knew he was just trying to get under Chris's skin. You knew it worked when Chris rolled his eyes while shaking his head.

      Nick turned around to look at you after hearing that, going in the opposite direction with his teasing. "Awe, look how cute you both are! You're such a little sweetie pie, Chris."

     Matt laughed and looked at you, "be honest, it was his idea wasn't it?"

     You looked between Matt and Chris, Chris pleading with his eyes for you to take his side. You gave him your own teasing smile, "he insisted."

     Matt and Nick howled while Chris buried his head in his hoodie. You smiled and wrapped your arms around him. After the laughter died down, you all decided to watch a movie. At that point it was nearing 1 AM though, so none of you were really watching. You ended up being the last person awake. You looked at Matt and Nick one other end of the couch, Matt's head partially in Nick's lap. You wished it was bright enough to take a picture so Chris could have his revenge. You lifted your head up to look at him, and surely enough he was out cold. You smiled at him and put your head back down.

      You closed your eyes and buried your nose into his hoodie, the feeling being exactly what you wanted. You ended up taking it home the next day, and slept with it every night that week. It was like your own personal cocoon of safety. After that night, Chris would often offer you his hoodies that he was already wearing, to which you accepted gratefully every time. One time he came to your apartment and laughed when he saw a pile of his clothes near your closet. He didn't ask for any of them back, though. He felt happy that you desired to always feel close to him, and he would never take that away from you. Even when his closet started running empty.

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♡ a/n:
would you believe me if i told you i'm a matt girl? Hahaaaa, i don't know why, i just have so many ideas for chris. hope you enjoyed, and hope you have a good night!

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