tattooed heart ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡

     When you walked up the stairs and into the kitchen after waking up that morning, you weren't expecting to be greeted by a blinding white light.

You made a surprised noise, covering your eyes. You were still a bit groggy, so you stood there for a few moments like that until you felt like your eyes could adjust. When you removed your hand from your face, you were able to take in the makeshift tattoo studio that Nick's tattoo artist had made in the kitchen. You could see him and her past it, in the living room talking.

You slowly made your way into the kitchen. Matt was leaning on the counter with an apple and greeted you when you came closer. You greeted him back, a little less enthusiastic as you were still in the process of waking up. You grabbed a Starbucks drink from the fridge. The triplets weren't really coffee drinkers, but they had a small section of their fridge dedicated to your addiction. Right next to your boyfriend, Chris's Pepsi collection.

"What's with this," you nodded at the tattoo area while taking a drink.

"What does it look like? It's tattoo day."

You glared at him, "yeah, but why at nine in the morning?"

"Oh, well Nick and I are each doing two, and they're pretty big pieces so she'll be here like all day."

Nick always had a third sense of when he was being talked about, because even though you and Matt were talking quietly in a whole other room, Nick whipped his head around the same moment Matt said his name. Nick smiled when he noticed you, and waved you over to him and his artist. You hesitantly followed with Matt behind you.

Nick introduced you to his artist, who was very bright and friendly despite her dark and intimidating appearance. You all chatted for a bit and she showed you some of her work, including the stencils she had for Nick and Matt that day.

Your eyes widened a bit at how big they were. They each had one that would take up at least a fourth of their arms. Nick laughed at your expression when he caught it. "What, you don't like it?"

You looked at him and relaxed your face into a smile, "no, they're amazing. Just... very big."

Nick nodded in understanding. He understands the apprehension people have when it comes to tattoos, but he also understands that there's only one life to live. He might as well have some regrets than live in fear.

The artist called Matt over as she finished wiping down her station. You and Nick were sat at the table, watching and talking.

"How many do you have now?" You asked, looking down at his arm.

"Oh," he started, his eyes following yours, "not too many actually. It just seems like there's more because of their size."

You grabbed his arm with your hand and turned it, admiring the work. "I really like this one," you pointed at the moon with the bat.

"Thank you! Right above is where I'm gonna get the matching one with Matt."

"Oh, it's matching?" Your eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Yeah! They're similar, but different enough," he picked up the stencil of his, showing it to you again.

You took it from his hands to get a closer look. "That's so special. Do you think you'll do one with Chris?"

He rolled his eyes jokingly, "I'd be surprised if even has one in his lifetime. But to answer your question, I would love to. It's just up to him."

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