shouldn't have said it ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡

You sighed, saying your love you's to your brother and pulled the phone away from your ear. He had called you from home, telling you he had just taken your dad to the hospital for an emergency surgery.

You knew your dad had health problems so you weren't surprised, but it was never comforting to hear the word "emergency" come before surgery.

You unlocked your car and got in, resting your head against the steering wheel for a moment. Your day had just been bad in general. First, your professor sprung a surprise test on your class in the morning worth ten percent of your grade. He was one of those professors that pulled questions from the first week of school, and you were currently two weeks away from finals. Safe to say you hadn't read up on that material in a few months, and you were certain you bombed.

Then, at lunch they were all out of your favorite sandwich and drink, making you settle for the lesser options. Then over lunch with two kids you were supposed to be working on a project with, they informed you that neither of them had started working on it yet even though your teacher assigned it three weeks ago. It was Monday, and it was due Friday.

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, later that afternoon at work it wasn't only slammed, but everyone seemed to be in a sour mood. You worked at a coffee shop, and the phrase "don't talk to me before I've had my coffee" had never been more apparent. One lady even dumped her drink on the ground when your coworker got it wrong, forcing you and her to clean it up while the woman bitched to your manager.

And then your dad. You were quite literally hanging on by a thread, and if anything else went wrong today you might just break completely. There was only one thing that you knew could turn your day around- your boyfriend, Chris. He always made your bad days end on a good note, always knowing what to say to make you feel better and doing any and everything to make you smile again.

You didn't even text him you were on your way, you just started driving. You figured he wouldn't care, he never did. You actually hadn't heard from him once that day which you felt was weird, but you didn't think much of it as you hadn't had time to message him, either.

On your way there you got stuck behind a train. Of-fucking-course. It made your fifteen minute drive almost thirty, but your frustration faded away with every mile you got closer to his house.

You were so ready to rant to him about your day and spend the night cuddling, watching movies and eating ice cream.

You wasted no time as you put your car in park and strutted to their front door. You knew where they kept their spare, so you unlocked it for yourself. You shut the door behind you and started taking off your shoes and jacket.

"Hello?" You heard Nick call from the living room.

"Hey," you said as you came up the stairs and into his line of vision. He gave you a strange look. "Did Chris tell you to come over?"

You walked closer to where he was sat, "no, I didn't text him I was coming. He usually doesn't care, though."

"Well, he might today. Come, sit." He put his legs down and patted the space in front of him. You curiously took a seat and waited for him to continue.

He hesitated, choosing his words carefully, "he hasn't exactly.. been the best person to be around today."

"Why?" You questioned, furrowing your brows.

"That's the thing, we don't know. He must've just woken up on the wrong side of the bed or something, because I swear last night he was fine. We were supposed to film a vlog today, but had to scrap it because of his attitude. He actually got into it with Matt about an hour ago, they've both been hiding in their rooms since. When he went downstairs he made it very clear he didn't walk to talk to anybody else today, which is why I was surprised to see you. If I were you, I would honestly go home and talk to him tomorrow."

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