stay ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡

     It's weird for outsiders to think that in a place like LA there are normal people living normal lives with normal jobs. However, it was extremely common to the natives. LA is full of average people, living the same as anyone else- just with a crazy amount of rent or an insane mortgage. You know, someone's gotta make your coffee in the morning- and four days out of the week, that was you.

     You actually grew up in Anaheim, but moved to LA for college. It was only a thirty minute drive from home, but your mom still cried move in day. Even though you weren't able to see your family as much as you used to due to school and work, you'd never been happier.

     Your family always offered to help you financially, but you declined. You valued your independence, and prided yourself on being self sufficient at such a young age. Of course, it helped that you received a full ride to your dream university so you only had to pay for necessities. Maybe it was all these things, on top of your alluring beauty, that initially attracted your boyfriend, Matt, to you all of six months ago.

      You and him had met at a party held by a friend of a friend of a friend, both of you going solely to please the people around you. For him that was his brothers, as they always did everything together. Not to mention he was the only one of them who could drive. And you were known as the mom amongst your friends, always getting stuck as the designated driver.

      That night your role was no different. What was different was finding another individual at the party who wasn't completely wasted or high out of their mind. It was a pleasant surprise when you went outside to take a breather to see someone already sitting there.

     When he heard the glass door slide open, he lifted his eyes from his phone and smiled at you. You took it as an invitation to sit with him. It was quiet for a few moments until he decided to be the one to bite the bullet and asked you for your name.

      What you initially thought would be a few minutes of conversation ended up lasting almost two hours, both of you finding yourselves captivated by the person sitting next to you. You ended up finding you had a lot in common, but enough differences to make it interesting.

      When he first saw you come through the door, he could obviously tell you were beautiful. But when you spoke, and he learned more about who you were was when he truly found you attractive. You weren't like the other girls of LA, only driven by money, followers and likes. You were driven by true passion, your goals and family. And talking to you was like taking a breath of fresh air after all the other girls in LA blew their vape smoke in his face, while equating his worth to his like count. You had even told him you had never downloaded TikTok, and that's when he was sold.

     All good things must come to an end though, and eventually his brothers called him and told him they were ready to go. Before he left you, he made sure to get your number. Not too long after that night you were dating, and today you were lucky enough to be able to call him your boyfriend.

     What Matt loved the most about you was how normal you were, and how normal you made him feel. You didn't know him from what he shared online, you knew him from what he shared with you at three am in a McDonald's parking lot. And he loved that you wanted an education and to work for yourself, you had your own goals and were determined in achieving them. You were his home away from home, your presence alone always bringing him comfort.

     And he felt comfortable right now, both of your limbs tangled together and asleep in your bed. Well, until your alarm went off, signaling it was time for you to get ready to go to school. He had already been awake for a few minutes, but he groaned anyways, not liking the idea of you leaving him. You turned in his arms to get your phone and silence the alarm.

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