mr clean ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡  ⋆˙⟡♡

"Thank you!" you shouted out to the triplet's manager, Laura, as you entered the Sturniolo house.

The house, however was empty- but that was intentional. You'd been a good friend of the triplets since they moved to LA, meeting through your mutual good friend, Sabrina. You hung out with them very often, with the exception of the past few months. They had been on their tour, and since coming back their lives were so busy that you hadn't had the chance to see them. Well, not until yesterday.

After two months of not seeing them, Nick finally reached out to you and asked if you wanted to grab something to eat with them. Granted, it was 1 AM, but he must've known you were awake due to your activity status on Instagram. You immediately said yes, and he told you they were already on the way.

You quickly got up and ran a brush through your hair, pulled a hoodie over your head and put on some shoes. You didn't feel the need to try very hard given the time, and also you just never really did the whole dress up thing in general. You were simple, almost always being found wearing a white crop top and black jeans. You waited around for a couple of minutes before Nick texted you saying they were out front. You shut and locked your door, turning down the hallway and down the stairs. When you reached the front door you were greeted with the sight of their van, making you smile as you approached.

You opened the door and Nick squealed as he watched you hop in, taking off his seatbelt to properly hug you. When you let him go, you said your hello's to everyone and reached for the arm Chris had stretched behind him to dap him up. With the same hand you placed it on Matt's shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze as you both smiled at each other. When you backed away to put your seatbelt on, you noticed from your peripheral that he looked at you for a quick moment before turning around in his seat and putting the car in drive. It wasn't obvious to Chris or Nick, but you caught it.

You and Matt always shared small moments whenever you saw each other. Part of you wanted to fall into the delusion you built up in your head of him feeling the same about you as you did him- as more than a friend, but the rational side of you could always explain moments like that, making you face reality. He was probably just making sure I was putting on my seatbelt before starting to drive, you thought. Ah, there was the logic.

You made conversation with them as Matt drove you all to the nearest McDonald's, you and Nick doing most of the talking.

There was a small line when you pulled up, so Matt parked, offering to go inside. Chris told him his order from the seat beside him, then he asked Nick what he wanted while typing their orders on his phone.

Nick gave him his order after changing it midway about three times. "What do you want?" Matt asked, turning his head to look at you. You broke eye contact as you thought for a second, and settled on asking for a mcflurry. He smiled at you and turned back around, typing it on his phone. He then exited the car, leaving you, Nick and Chris to talk about random things until he came back.

He handed you your mcflurry first, then sorted through the rest. You thanked him and offered to pay him back, as you did every time. He shook his head, telling you not to worry about it, as he did every time.

Now that you were parked and everyone could contribute to the conversation equally, they asked you how you've been. You caught them up on the things in your life. You were a college student so there wasn't too much to say. You asked them how they've been, then when they gave you a unanimous "fine," you asked how they've really been.

"Come on, don't make us be honest," Chris joked from in front of you. You raised your eyebrow at him.

Nick sighed from beside you, "It's been pretty stressful to be honest. I feel like we haven't had time for anything except YouTube. Not that I'm complaining, but I just wish we had more time to do things like this."

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