that's more like it ♡

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♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡

When Nick walked down the stairs and into the kitchen that morning and saw a sock in a half empty bowl of soup, it was his final straw; and it was only nine AM. You see, Nick and Chris had been in an unspoken war the past two weeks. Ironically, it had also started with a sock.

Nick, Matt and Chris were all having a movie marathon night in their living room. It was well needed, as they'd been working hard lately and deserved a night of rest. They were all in their comfy pajamas with a bunch of candy they'd bought from Target just for the occasion.

During the intermission between movies, Matt had taken a break to use the bathroom, leaving Nick and Chris alone. They both sat in silence as they scrolled through their phones. After a minute, Chris started shifting around, gaining Nick's attention. Nick watched as Chris took off his socks and flung them somewhere in the direction of the hallway.

Chris was unaware of the look of distain that overcame Nick's face, until he spoke up. "Chris, what the fuck was that?"

He looked up, confused. "What?"

Nick's eyes blew wide in exasperation. He didn't even know what he did wrong. "You fucking threw your socks down the hall. There's this thing called a hamper, don't be fucking lazy and go pick your shit up."

Chris rolled his eyes. He would get them eventually, but right now he was comfy- and there was no way he was getting up. "I'll get to it."

Nick thought about yanking the blanket from him and hitting him with a pillow, but he decided against it. It wasn't hurting anyone at the moment, so he guessed it could wait.

But then again, that was what Chris always said. And how often did he actually "get to it" before him or Matt had to take care of it for him?

But again, it wasn't hurting anyone now, and they were having a good night. So, Nick took a breath and centered himself as Matt came back.

      He had honestly forgot about it until the next morning, when he saw them as he was on his way to get breakfast. He looked at them, then sent a death stare in the direction of Chris' room as if he could feel it through the walls. It must've worked though, because a few moments later he heard the downstairs door open and Chris appeared.

He started his walk to the kitchen, but stopped in his tracks at Nick's gaze. "What?" he asked him, unsure of the reason behind the hostility.

Nick nodded towards the sock, and Chris made an "o" face. He shrugged and continued his walk to the kitchen.

Nick's eyes followed him in disbelief, until he couldn't take it, "Chris, you said you'd pick it up."

His back was to him as he poured a bowl of cereal, "I said I'd get to it, so I'll get to it."

He huffed. Sure, Nick wasn't the cleanest person in the world, either. But he kept his mess limited to his own room. Chris' messes often interfered with Nick and Matt's lives, them often picking up after him because "getting to" something in Chris' time was never fast enough. "I'm not picking it up, neither is Matt. You're gonna pick it up."

"Alright," Chris replied in an annoyed tone, only furthering Nick's anger. He decided to let it go once again, continuing on with his day.

At some point he had filled Matt in on their feud, and Matt immediately agreed with him. He was the cleanest of the three so it wasn't hard to get him on his side. For a week, Matt and Nick decided to let Chris "get to" things in his own time. Neither of them said anything about any mess, nor did they pick it up. They would give him looks and point at things, which annoyed Chris. Not to the point of picking it up, though. At that point, Chris decided to be petty himself and purposefully did things more messily than he normally would've.

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