the band

976 22 16

Alex's pov
Literally not even two minutes ago, I was dying on the floor from Caleb's curse, but now I'm hugging Julie. Hugging her! I can actually touch her and she can touch me.

Once we all pull away from the hug, I feel a tingling sensation on my wrist. I pull up my sleeve as well as Luke and Reggie. Our stamps lift up and evaporate into the air. We're finally free from Caleb's curse!

Since we're all exhausted, we agree on just heading to sleep and discussing all of this tomorrow. Julie goes to her room, Luke goes to his couch, Reggie goes to a chair, and I go up to the loft. When we were choosing where we wanted to sleep, I got the loft because I cannot stand having to sleep in a tiny area. I would rather die again than go through that.

Speaking of dying, I've realized my anxiety has skyrocketed since the band died. When we were living, I would have panic attacks but they were just normal ones. But the one I had in the afterlife was terrible.

To stop myself from overthinking about that, I decide to go to sleep. I fluff my pillow and snuggle under the blankets because I have to get my beauty sleep. As I'm trying to fall asleep, I hear Luke and Reggie whispering about something, but I can't hear exactly what it is.

I start to think about my precious drums and how much they mean to me. Man, me and my drums have been through a lot together. The comforting thought of them helps me eventually drown out the whispers and fall into a deep sleep.


The next morning, I'm traditionally the first one awake. I open my eyes and slowly sit up. I let out a big yawn and have one of those good morning stretches. I check my wrist to make sure last night wasn't a dream, and thankfully the stamp isn't there.

Once I fully wake up, I climb down from the loft hoping someone would be awake. But of course, Luke and Reggie are still snoring their problems away.

Since I have nothing better to do, I go to Julie's house to see if she's awake. When I walk in, I see Mr. Molina sitting at the table eating breakfast. How I wish I could have one of those waffles right now.

I find my way to Julie's room and, me being the considerate person I am, I knock on her door.

"One second!" she calls.

I hear her slowly walking towards the door, so I back up a little. When she opens it and realizes it's me, she has a startled look on her face.

"Alex what are you doing awake? Better yet what are you doing in my house at 9 AM?" she questions.

"Sorry, I wake up really early and I have nothing to do. I was thinking maybe you have something I can help with or anything."

"Hmm, you can help me by going back to the studio and letting me get my rest," she tells me and closes the door. She whispers through the crack, "Sorry if that was rude."

I kind of laugh at that and poof back to the studio. Luke and Reggie are still sleeping, so I go back up to the loft. I sit on the bed and I have no idea what to do. But then it hits me. When in doubt, I think about my precious drums.

After about an hour of swooning over my drums, I hear someone moving around. I peer over the railing of the loft and Luke is awake. Finally! I climb down from the loft and go sit on the couch next to him. He lays his head on my shoulder.

"Let me guess, you woke up way before me," he says in a tired voice.

"Wow how did you know?" I say in a sarcastic tone.

"I don't know maybe because you always wake up alarmingly early."

"Hey, it's not as alarming as you and Reggie sleeping until like 5 PM."

Luke picks his head up, licks his finger, and sticks it in my ear. He's so gross.

"Dude, that's disgusting! You know how much I hate germs," I say and cover my ear.

"Come on, it's not that serious," he says, smiling like the demon he is.

Reggie starts to stir in his sleep. He opens his eyes and sees Luke and I on the couch.

"Now you woke Reggie up from your overreaction," says Luke.

"Ugh, it's not my fault you're a disgusting person," I say.

"Aw man, you interrupted my dream about puppies eating burgers," says Reggie in a sad voice.

"Sorry about that. This nasty boy right here is trying to ruin my life, so I had to defend myself," I tell him.

Thankfully Julie walks in so Luke doesn't have time for a rebuttal. I scoot away from Luke and Reggie covers himself with his blanket.

"Good morning everyone! I hope you all had a great slumber," says Julie very enthusiastically.

"Yeah, I did until those two woke me up from my amazing dream," says Reggie, pointing at me and Luke.

"Reg, you were dreaming about puppies eating burgers, that's not amazing," I tell him.

"Be quiet you probably dreamed about your drums," he says.

Julie interrupts. "Okay guys! So today Flynn is going to come over so we can all discuss the events of last night. And I might have a way for her to see and hear you guys, so go get ready."

I go back up to the loft and pick out what to wear. I settle on a purple hoodie that has a pink smiley face on the back with black sweatpants. Once I'm ready, I go back downstairs and sit next to Luke again. A few minutes later, Julie and Flynn walk in.

"Oh my heavens, Julie it worked! You are just such an amazing girl," says Flynn as she hugs Julie.

"Uhh what worked? Can Flynn eat as much ice cream as she wants without getting sick?" asks Reggie. I let out a sigh.

"No Reggie, Flynn can see you guys now!" says Julie.

Flynn walks up to all of us and just stares. She still can't touch us, but at least she can see and hear us.

"So are we gonna start talking about last night or are we just gonna let Flynn stare at us all day," says Luke.

We start discussing what happened last night. We think Caleb's curse broke because the love that Julie had for us in the hug. As we're talking, I realize that I forgot something very important. I forgot about Willie. I guess a look of panic settles onto my face.

"You okay?" asks Luke.

"I forgot about Willie. Can we please go looking for him?" I ask with a very hopeful tone, trying to convince Luke to say yes.

"How about we look for him tomorrow. I mean we still have to rehearse, I'm sure Flynn has questions for us, and by the time that's over we'll be tired," he tells me.

I sigh. "I guess that's okay."

As we rehearse, I keep messing up because I can't stop thinking about Willie. There's so many possibilities on where he is and what's happened to him.

After we rehearse Flynn starts with her questions. That takes my mind off of Willie, so at least that's a good thing about it. Flynn's questions go on until midnight, so by the time she's done, we're all tired.

When Flynn goes home, I go up to the loft and change into my pajamas. I can't take my mind off of the thought of Willie. That keeps me up until around 3 AM, and I finally fall asleep.


The next day, I wake up super late. It concerns everyone because I'm always the first one awake. We never end up going to look for Willie.

The next day goes by. Then the next. Then the whole week goes by, and we never look for Willie.

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