i love you

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Alex's pov
When I open my eyes, I realize my head is still on Willie's lap. I sit up and lay my head on his shoulder.

"How was your nap?" he whispers.

I let out a yawn. "It was good," I whisper back.

"Do you feel better?" he asks.

I nod my head. "My head still hurts a little."

"Do you want some medicine?"


He poofs out to go get some medicine for me. When he comes back, he hands me two pills and a cup of water. I take each pill individually and finish the water.

He sits next to me and all of a sudden, I get the greatest idea ever. I should braid his hair. I poof to Julie's room and steal some hair ties and poof back.

"Oh no, hotdog. What are you gonna do," says Willie.

"Just trust me," I tell him.

I start braiding his hair, and he tries to open the camera on his phone. I take his phone from him because it needs to be a surprise.

When I'm done, I take a picture on his phone and show him.

"I love it!" he says.

"Good because you look so beautiful with braids," I tell him.

"Since I let you do that, can you trust me to do something?" he asks.

"Yeah of course!"

"Okay go put some shoes on and meet me outside."

I do what he said and he's outside with his skateboard. Oh no please tell me this isn't what I think it is. He grabs my hand and poofs me to an empty sidewalk.

"I'm gonna teach you how to skate," he says.

"What," I say. This isn't happening.

"Trust me, you'll be okay."

He gives me a helmet, elbow pads, and knee pads. Once I put those on, he helps me get onto the skateboard and holds my hands.

"You're gonna roll very slowly, but just get adjusted to how it feels," he says in a calm voice. After a little bit of that, he speeds up.

My breaths start increasing and a scared expression settles onto my face.

"Listen, you're not gonna get hurt. You won't even get close to the ground," he says.

"Okay I think that's enough," I say in a panicky voice. He helps me get off the skateboard and gives me a hug.

"See that wasn't so bad! You did great," he says.

"Not as good as you though," I say.

"Well that's because I've had a bunch of practice. And there's still people out there who are better than me."

All of a sudden, my headache comes back. I tell Willie and we poof back to the studio.

We go up to the loft and I bury my head into his chest to block the light from my eyes. He rubs small circles on my back, and we stay like that for about half an hour.

When Willie checks the time on his phone, I look up to also check. His facial expression changes, but I can't tell why.

"Hey hotdog, Caleb is having a performance at the Hollywood Ghost Club tonight, and I absolutely have to be there," he says.

"Nooo, please don't leave me," I whine.

"I promise I'll be back. You won't even notice I was gone," he tells me.

"What will I do while you're gone," I ask.

"Luke and Reggie are here, and I'm sure Julie will come in here in a little. It's not like im leaving you to be all lonely."

"Fine," I say in defeat. A suit poofs into his hands.

When he comes back from changing, I give him one last hug.

"Please don't let Caleb do anything to you," I say.

"Alex, I'll be okay. You don't have to worry."

"Pinkie promise?" I ask, holding out my pinkie.

He completes the pinkie promise. I give him a peck on the lips and he poofs out to the Hollywood Ghost Club.

About ten minutes later, which feels like an eternity, I call Willie.

"Is everything okay?" he asks when he answers.

"No," I say.

"What's wrong? Do I need to come back?"

"I miss you and I'm scared Caleb will do something to you."

"Hotdog, I'll be okay. I just have to get through this then I'll come back perfectly fine. Now how about you go hang out with Luke and Reggie to get your mind off of it."

"Why can't you just come back?"

"Because if I leave early without a valid reason, Caleb will be very mad. And you don't want that to happen, do you?"

"Fine. I miss you though," I say with a sigh.

"I miss you more. I gotta go before Caleb finds me. Bye!"

"Goodbye," I say and hang up.

I decide to take Willie's advice and I go hang out with Luke and Reggie. We mostly just talk and joke around with each other. But when Julie comes, it's mostly me and Reggie talking because Luke and Julie get too caught up in each other.

I check my phone and discover I have like eight missed calls from Willie. Another one comes in right as I'm about to call him. I immediately answer.

"What's wrong?" I ask, my voice in panic.

"Please just come here and poof me back to the studio," says Willie. I can tell he's crying.

"Why, what happened?"

"Don't ask any questions, please hurry."

"Okay, I'll be there in a second," I say and hang up.

I poof to Willie and he's sitting on the ground, crying. I pick him up and poof us back to the loft in the studio.

I can tell how exhausted he is, so I let him sit on my lap. I wrap my arms around him, and give him an occasional kiss on the cheek.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" I whisper.

He wipes his tears and begins. "Caleb didn't really see me at the beginning since he was performing. But when he was done, he came to check on everyone that works for him to make sure they were doing the right thing."

He pauses, letting out a sob. I pull him closer to me and kiss his head.

"When he got to me, he didn't like the braids you gave me. He got super mad and sent me jolts at the highest power for like 30 minutes. When he got bored of it, he said I had to leave in the next five minutes, or else he would do much worse."

"Oh, I'm so sorry," I say, calmly. "You know that man is wrong in many ways. The braids look amazing on you."

He wipes the remainder of his tears. I give him a kiss on his head.

"How about you change into some comfy pajamas, then we can cuddle for the rest of the night," I suggest.

Willie agrees and he goes to change. I sit there, practicing a new song the band made with air drums. Since I have to visualize my drums and my eyes are closed, I don't notice when Willie comes back.

He tackles me, and it scares me so bad, I scream. He starts laughing, but I don't.

"That's not funny," I say, with a mad voice.

"Come on, yes it was," he says.

"Fine, maybe it was a little funny," I admit.

We embrace each other, and just admire each other's features.

"I love you," I whisper.

Willie's smile glows as bright as the sun.

"I love you too, hotdog."

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