the party

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Willie's pov (i promise other povs will come back)
Once we walk in, I take in the surroundings. There's a snack and drinks table, a dance floor, a stage, games, lights, and everything else you could think of.

Alex is holding my hand so tight, he might break it. I let him keep holding it though, because I don't want him to panic or anything.

Reggie is already having the time of his life. As soon as he sees the dance floor, he bolts to it and starts dancing. Alex looks away, but it's so terrible, I can't stop watching.

Luke finds a group of dudes who look too cool to be here. I guess he's trying to look like them too, but we all know he wants to be here.

Alex and I decide to see everything here before we choose what we wanna do. As we're walking around, I realize him trying to hide his stomach.

"Alex listen. No one here is gonna care what your stomach looks like. And if they do tell you anything about it, it'll be a compliment," I tell him.

"You better be telling the truth," he says.

"I am, I promise," I say.

He relaxes a little and we decide to go to the snack table. I look at everything there, and there's just so much.

"AHHH STARBURSTS," I yell. I unwrap like seven of them and shove them all in my mouth.

"Please be careful!" Alex says.

I nod my head since my mouth is full. Alex also starts stuffing his face with candy since it's ghost food, which he doesn't have very often. Once I finish my Starbursts, I spot some of my friends.

"I'll be right back," I tell Alex.

"Okay, I'll be right here," he says, still eating candy.

After I say hey to my friends and catch up with them, I excuse myself to go back to the snack table. But Alex isn't there. I realize half of a bowl of punch is gone, but when I left it was almost full. I see a silhouette of something on the back, so I turn the bowl around.

That fruit punch has alcohol. Please tell me Alex didn't drink all of that. I start looking around for Alex, but I get distracted by so many of my friends. I'm finally free from them, and I continue looking.

But then I see him. He's on the dance floor with Reggie. Yeah Alex definitely drank all of that fruit punch. I would go stop him, but this is entertaining to watch.

He's really feeling himself out there. Him and Reggie just don't have a care in the world. Alex is even trying to... twerk? Oh no I need to stop this. I run over to him and hug him from behind.

"Alex let's calm down a little," I whisper.

"I need to dance!" he says and breaks free from my hug. He runs over to the dj and tells her something.

"Oh no, this isn't gonna go well," I say.

"I'm excited to see this!" says Reggie.

I notice Luke is even watching as Alex gets on the stage. Jingle Bell Rock starts playing. I realize what he's about to do and I groan.

He starts doing the dance from Mean Girls. And it's a train wreck. He's all over the place, doing different parts of the dance at wrong times, not on beat. He ends up just doing some random ballet at the end.

When that's over, everyone cheers. He smiles so wide and bows. When he gets off stage, I run over to him and drag him to the side.

"Alex what was that?" I whisper.

"That was art," he says.

"Oh my goodness. How much of that punch did you drink?" I ask while pointing to the fruit punch with alcohol in it.

"Uhh like half of the bowl? It's so good!"

"No, this is bad. Alex that had alcohol in it."

"Please don't be mad," he says, with eyes as wide as the moon.

"I'm not mad, you didn't know. Just be careful," I tell him.

"Okay I will!" he says and runs off somewhere. I decide to let him be and I go hang out with Reggie.

After Reggie and I play some games, eat a whole buttload of candy, and a whole bunch of other fun stuff, I decide to look for Alex.

After I swear I've looked everywhere, I still haven't found him. I decide to ask Luke if he's seen Alex. Luke says the last time he saw him, he was drinking some fruit punch.

Oh no. I go to the snack table, and I find Alex drinking more fruit punch. I take the cup from him and throw it away.

"No, that's enough for you," I say, walking him away from the snack table.

"But it's so good!" he whines.

"I don't care. You aren't having any more. It has alcohol in it."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I forgot."

"I forgive you, but you're gonna stay with me the rest of the night."

We both play some games together and whenever he wins, he doesn't stop bragging about it. He ends up begging to go back to the dance floor, so I let him go.

I hang out with Luke and his new friends for a little. I look at the dance floor to make sure Alex is okay, but he's not there.

"Uhh I'll be right back!" I tell Luke and his friends.

I circle around the whole place multiple times and I still don't see Alex. I even thoroughly check the dance floor and he's not there. Who knows where he could be. I find a kinda quiet area of the place and call him.

"Hi Willie!" he says when he answers.

"Hey hotdog. Where are you?" I ask in panic.

"Me? Oh I'm in the bathroom."

"Okay, can you tell me where that is?" I ask.

"Uh yeah. It's like in front of the snack table."

"Alright, thank you," I say and hang up.

I go into the bathroom only to find him in there with the whole bowl of Skittles. I take them away from him and he gets mad.

"Okay, I think it's time for us to leave," I say and help him up.

"But I wanna dance!" he whines.

"You can dance after we leave," I tell him.

"Fine," he says and crosses his arms.

I put the eight Skittles left on the snack table. I go tell Reggie and Luke that we're leaving. I grab Alex's hand and poof us back to the studio.

babe and hotdog! (willex jatp)Where stories live. Discover now