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Lukes pov (wowowow so different)
As we're rehearsing Stand Tall, Julie isn't acting normal. I keep trying to look at her to signal that our duet is coming up, but it's not working. We end up just not doing a duet and I'm worried about her.

At the end of the song, Willie hugs Julie and kisses Alex. Julie still doesn't interact with me at all, and it's making me even more worried. While Willie is joking with Reggie about something, I go up to Alex.

"Uhh can I talk to you about something outside?" I ask.

"Yes of course!" he says. He instantly puts his drumsticks down and we walk outside. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah it's just while we were rehearsing, me and Julie didn't do our duet because she wouldn't look at me at all and I'm worried about her," I tell him.

"Well has anything odd happened recently?"

"No I don't think so, I'm afraid it's my fault though. And I really wanna tell her I like her, but after that rehearsal, I don't even know if she likes me as a friend."

A few tears roll down my cheeks. Alex wipes my tears and engulfs me in a hug. I bury my face into his chest and he strokes my head.

"No no no, don't cry. I'm sure it's not your fault, it probably has to do with something else in her life. If I were you, I would ask what's wrong to show that you care. You don't have to if you don't want to though," he says in a soothing voice.

"I think I'll ask her," I say and wipe the rest of my tears.

"Okay, please come get me if something goes wrong," he tells me and goes inside to get Julie.

When she comes outside, I exhale and wipe the few tears I have left.

"Hey Alex said you wanna talk?" she asks.

I take a deep breath. "Yeah, you were acting a bit off during rehearsal, what's wrong?"

"Well you've been sending me mixed emotions and I don't know what you really think about me so I thought it was better to not do our duet and to give you space."

Man, that hurt. I have no idea how to respond, so I run inside and up to the loft. I flop onto Alex's bed and start crying. I hear footsteps, so I look to see who it is and it's just Alex.

He lays next to me and wipes my tears.

"What's the matter?" he asks in an almost whisper.

"She said I'm sending her mixed emotions and I didn't know what to do so I ran in here and now she probably thinks worse of me."

"Calm down, she doesn't think badly about you at all. She was just confused and it isn't your fault. Her mind just didn't put stuff together."

"But what if it really is my fault?"

"Trust me it isn't. This is why I'm gay, girls are hard to understand."

That makes me laugh a bit.

"I knew I could cheer you up somehow," he says, smiling. "Now go tell her how you feel and then fill me in on all the tea afterwards."


"It's something Willie taught me. I think it means gossip, but I'm not sure."

"Alright I'll let you know the tea when we're done talking."

I go down to where Julie is talking to Willie and I ask for Julie to talk to me. We both go outside and she just waits for me to start.

"Listen Julie, I really didn't mean to send mixed emotions. I'm sorry it came across that way, but the truth is I really like you," I confess.

"Oh my gosh finally!"

She hugs me and I kiss her cheek. We just stay like that for a few minutes, then we decide to go inside.

When we walk in, Alex and Willie are being all cuddly on the couch, and Reggie is daydreaming about puppies or something. Alex looks at me and all I have to do is nod my head. He gets a look of pure excitement on his face and I can't help but smile.

Reggie and Willie look at each other in the eyes and Reggie slowly holds his hand out.

"Please tell me you two didn't- no not you too Willie" says Alex.

"Sorry hotdog, I had to," says Willie as he hands Reggie five dollars.

"Well it's pretty late so we should head to sleep," says Julie. "Goodnight everyone!" she says and heads to her house.

"Yep, just like Julie said, goodnight!" I say, kicking Alex off of the couch.

Alex and Willie head to the loft and I can hear them talking and laughing. When that finally subsides, I can sleep in peace.

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