left out

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Alex's pov
As the band is getting ready to rehearse, I just sit on the couch. Luke notices, sets his guitar down, and sits next to me.

"What's wrong?" he asks.

"It's nothing," I say.

"No, tell me what's wrong."

"Trust me I'm fine."

"Alex. Mercer. Tell me what's wrong right now or I will confiscate your drumsticks for a week."

"Fine I'll tell you. But can we like go somewhere else?"

"Yeah of course," he says. "Me and Alex will be back!"

We poof to a park and find a spot to sit on the grass.

"Okay, tell me why you don't wanna rehearse," says Luke.

"I just feel really left out. Like ever since Willie met Julie, they've gotten really close. And yes, he can have other friends, but sometimes it's like I don't even exist."

I tear up, but it's not noticeable since it's pretty dark outside. I start playing with the hem of my shirt.

"Like today, when we watched High School Musical. I feel like it could've been enjoyable, but they were just singing and dancing. And Willie didn't even notice when I had no reaction to their performances."

My voice starts getting shaky and Luke places his hand on my knee.

"And earlier today, I kissed Willie and he rolled his eyes. And I'm sure he meant it in a playful way, but I'm not really sure."

By the time I'm done talking, I'm full on sobbing. Luke wraps his arms around me.

"Dude, if you really feel that way, just tell him. I'm sure he'll understand and he'll start spending more time with you. I can tell Jules as well if you'd like. But if you're afraid to tell him, then I can do it for you or something."

"I'm not afraid to tell him, I just don't wanna hurt his feelings."

"Trust me, you won't hurt his feelings," says Luke. He makes me look up at him and he wipes my tears. "Are you ready to go back and tell him?"

"Yeah I guess."

We poof back to the studio, and Willie and Julie are watching something on her phone. Probably something related to High School Musical.

I guess you can tell I was crying, so Willie hops up and walks over to me.

"What's wrong hotdog?" he asks.

"Uhh we need to talk," I say. I look at Luke and he gives me a thumbs up.

Me and Willie go up to the loft and Willie looks concerned. I take a deep breath and begin.

"So ever since..."

I get choked up on my tears.

"I'm sorry, I really don't wanna hurt your feelings," I say and climb down from the loft.

Luke and Julie are being all cute on the couch, so I just sit next to them. Luke looks over and notices I'm trying to hide the fact I'm crying.

"Dude, you okay?" asks Luke.

"I didn't tell him," I say quietly.

"What happened?"

"I didn't wanna hurt his feelings."

"Do you want me to do it for you?"

I nod my head.

"Do you wanna come with me?"

I nod again. We both go up to the loft and Willie is sitting there with his head down. His hair is covering his face and he's sniffling.

When me and Luke sit on the bed, he looks up and wipes his tears. That just breaks my heart because he probably thinks I don't wanna be with him anymore.

"Alright so I'm gonna be talking on behalf of Alex, so these are all his thoughts and not mine. But he said he feels left out when it comes to you and Julie. He feels like Julie is your top priority and sometimes he feels like he doesn't exist to you. And it's okay for you to have other friends, but he doesn't even know your feelings towards him anymore," says Luke. He looks at me to make sure he got everything right and I give him a quick nod.

Luke makes sure I don't need his help with anything else, and he gies back down to Julie. Willie is just sitting there with his head in his hands.

I ball my hands into tight fists to suppress my emotions. "Willie I am so sorry. I didn't want to hurt your feelings, I just had to tell you before my mind thought anything else."

"It's okay," he quietly says. He wipes the remainder of his tears and looks at me.

"Hotdog, I really didn't mean to make you feel left out. You could've told me way earlier and I would've immediately fixed it. You don't ever have to be afraid to tell me something."

He holds my hands and squeezes them a bit. We sit like that for a little, just admiring each other.

"How about we go back down so you can rehearse, and I'll cheer the most I ever have for you," he says. I nod my head and we both climb down from the loft.

"We can rehearse now!" I say.

We all go to our places, and Willie sits on the couch. Luke finally gave in to Reggie, and we rehearse "Home is Where my Horse Is." It's our first time rehearsing it, but Willie is still enjoying every moment.

Once we're done, Willie jumps up and cheers the loudest he ever has.

"WOOHOO YEAH ALEX!!" he yells. "Good job Julie, Luke and Reggie, BUT YEAHHHH GO ALEX!" he says and runs over to me. He gives me the biggest hug ever and attacks me with kisses.

"I'm just happy Luke let us rehearse that song," says Reggie.

"Hey, wanna know why?" asks Luke as he sets his guitar down. Reggie enthusiastically nods. "It was so you would shut up about it," Luke tells him and sits on the couch with Julie.

"Heyy that's mean!" protests Reggie. He sits on a beanbag chair.

Before we get looped into this, Willie and I go up to the loft.

"Are you gonna give my hoodie back?" I ask Willie.

"Hmmm, no!" he says.

"Fine, but give it back tomorrow."

"Okay fine. It's pretty late, so we should sleep."

We both get into the bed and I do my nightly routine. If I miss just one night of my routine, I will be the most miserable person the next day.

"Goodnight hotdog," whispers Willie.

"Goodnight Willie," I whisper.

He latches on to me, and the butterflies fluttering in my stomach keep me awake for a bit. Once they settle down, so do I and I drift off to sleep.

babe and hotdog! (willex jatp)Where stories live. Discover now