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Willie's pov
Once we poof to the studio, a girl immediately hops up and walks over to me.

"Hiii! My name is Julie! You must be the special boy Alex talks about 24/7," she says. I didn't know Alex talks about me all the time. I quickly glance over at him and blush.

"Yeah, my name is Willie! It's so nice to meet you!"

Julie pulls me in for a hug and I hug her back.

"Oh my goodness, finally another hugger is here," she says.

"Hey, I like hugs!" Luke says in a whiny voice.

"Luke let's be realistic here," Alex tells him, "you only like hugs from Julie."

"Whatever," Luke says and he sits down on the couch. Alex sits next to him and Luke scoots away.

"Don't mind those two, they're always in some sort of fight," Julie tells me. "Anyways, you can just make yourself at home! We can figure out sleeping arrangements later."

"Wait, you're letting me stay here?" I ask.

"Of course I am. I would never just kick you out like that." She whispers this next part to me. "And if Alex can tolerate you, then so can I because he can barely tolerate anyone."

I laugh at that. "To be honest, I'm not surprised," I say while looking at Alex.

"Is Julie saying mean things about me?" asks Alex.

"Uhh no! She was just saying how great and amazing you are," I tell him. I lean my skateboard against the wall and sit next to Alex.

"Well I'm greater and amazing-er," says Luke.

That makes Reggie abruptly stand up. "I told you amazing-er is a word!" he says while pointing at Alex.

"Reg, no it isn't. Just because Luke said it doesn't mean it's true. You need a new rule to live by," Alex tells him.

Reggie rolls his eyes and sits back down on the chair.

"Guys, we still haven't rehearsed," says Julie.

"Oh shoot. Uh Willie do you mind if we rehearse?" asks Alex.

"Oh no I don't mind! I can be your audience," I say.

Julie walks over to her piano, Reggie to his bass, Luke to his electric guitar, and Alex to his drums. They all get ready and Julie starts singing.

Woah, Julie's amazing. When she gets to the second verse, Alex, Reggie, and Luke start playing. I can't take my eyes off of Alex. I wonder if I look like a fool staring at him and smiling and blushing.

Once they hit the chorus, I assume the song is called 'Stand Tall'. Luke and Julie have a little duet moment, and it makes me question if they're together or what.

After a few more lines, Alex starts singing. I start smiling so hard, I have to hide my face in my hands. When I look back up, Alex is smiling at me and I can't help but blush.

Once the song is over, I jump up and cheer. This is the best I've felt in a while.

"You're better than the audience we had at the Orpheum!" says Julie.

"Why thank you, I've been practicing," I say and Julie laughs.

"Alright, rehearsal is over for today. Also Willie, before you go wherever with Alex, can you come here for a second?" asks Julie. We go to a little corner of the studio.

"I noticed you have some bruises and scratches, so is it fine if I clean them? You don't have to talk about it or anything, I just don't want them to get infected," she tells me.

"Yeah, I would love that actually," I say.

"Alright, I'll be right back."

About a minute later, Julie comes back with a first aid kit. We sit on the couch and she starts looking at my injuries.

"Do you mind taking your shirt off so I can see the ones on your stomach and back?" she asks in a polite voice.

"No I don't mind at all!" I say and take off my shirt. I spot Alex gazing at me but I don't say anything because he looks so mesmerized.

Julie continues to look at all that Caleb did to me. She grabs a few things out of the first aid kit and starts cleaning my injuries.

"This might hurt for a second, but it'll help you heal much faster!" she tells me.

She starts dabbing some kind of medicine around my body and it hurts really bad. I hold back my emotions though because I don't want to make her feel bad.

"Alright, that should be it! Just let me know if you need anything else," she says.

"Thank you so much!" I say and I give her a hug. I put my shirt back on and go up to the loft with Alex.

"Hi Willie," he says with the biggest smile on his face.

"Hey hotdog," I say and he blushes so much. "I caught you staring at me when Julie was making sure I was okay."

"Oh umm I was actually just thinking about what a nice floor we have in here! I mean look at it, it's so beautiful and is great to walk on!" he says in a high pitched voice.

"Don't worry, it's fine to stare. I mean how could you not, just look at all of this," I say, gesturing to myself.

He just bursts out in laughter at that. I don't find it that funny, but the fact he does makes me also burst out in laughter. We both end up laying down because of how much we're laughing.

"It wasn't even that funny," I say, wiping my tears from laughing so much.

"I know, but for some reason, I found it so funny," he says.

We both start calming down and just lay there looking into each other's eyes. Since it's pretty late, we both decide to go to sleep. He fluffs his pillow, puts on a sleep mask, and makes sure his whole body is under the blanket. I'm not even that surprised.

"Goodnight Willie," he whispers.

"Sweet dreams hotdog," I whisper back and fall into a deep sleep.

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