getting ready

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(omg #2 in willex tysm also i hate the title)
Willie's pov
It's around two in the morning. The jolts won't stop. They aren't even at the highest power yet, and I just want this to be over. I'm trying to be quiet so I don't wake Alex up, so I curl into a ball and silently cry. When I feel him moving next to me, I look over and he's awake.

"I'm sorry, you can go back to sleep," I whisper.

"No, what's wrong?" he asks.

I try to fully sit up, but another jolt comes. He realizes what's happening and pulls me into his lap.

"How long have they been happening?" he softly asks.

"Like an hour I think," I say, pain in my voice.

"An hour? You should've woken me up earlier."

"I'm sorry, I didn't wanna disturb your sleep."

"No, don't be sorry. How much longer do you think he'll be sending these?"

Another one comes so it takes me a minute to answer. "I have no idea when they'll end," I say.

"Well I'll stay awake with you the whole time," he whispers.

I relax into his chest as the jolts keep coming. He puts his hands in my shirt and gently rubs my stomach. At first, I get goosebumps at his touch, but one I get used to it, it kind of helps.

About 30 minutes later, the jolts finally stop. And Alex stayed with me the whole time. I'm so exhausted after that, I instantly fall asleep.


When I wake up, Alex isn't there. I wrap myself in my blanket and get up to look over the railing. I see Alex on the couch with Reggie, and Julie and Luke are on the beanbag chairs. Since I'm too lazy to climb down the ladder, I poof down to the couch next to Alex.

"Good morning," he whispers.

I don't respond since I'm so tired.

"Do you feel okay?" he asks.

I nod my head. Since they were all talking before I poofed in, I let them continue their conversation. Once I'm fully woken up, I check my phone.

I see a text from a group chat I'm in, so I click on it. It's an invitation to a party that one of my ghost friends is hosting. It says I can bring anyone, so I might as well bring everyone.

I tell them and they all agree. But the party doesn't start until eight PM, so we have more than enough time to get ready.

Alex and I go back up to the loft. I continue checking my notifications, and he silently watches. I start watching Mean Girls, and he asks what it is.

I tell him to just watch because I can't describe how good it is. When we get to their Jingle Bell Rock performance, Alex looks very determined to learn the dance.

"Can I please learn that?" he asks.

"Yes, but you need to finish watching the movie first," I tell him.

As soon as the movie's over, he snatches my phone out of my hands.

"Oh no, I don't know how to use this thing," he says.

I take it back. "What are you trying to find?"

"I need to learn how to do that dance."

"Okay, I'll find it for you." I find a tutorial for him and give the phone back. I teach him how to work YouTube so he doesn't have to keep asking me for help.

"Okay, now shoo. You have to wait until I learn it."

I go down from the loft and I realize only Luke and Reggie are the only ones there. I guess Julie went back into her house. I sit on the chair Reggie's normally in.

"If you hear anything coming from the loft, don't ask. Alex is learning a dance and won't let me see," I tell them.

"Oh gosh, that probably means it's gonna be really bad," Luke says.

"Or maybe, he isn't actually learning the dance. Maybe he's getting puppies for all of us," says Reggie.

"Reg, how many times do we need to tell you. Puppies and pizza and ice cream aren't the only things in life," says Luke, annoyed.

"Reggie, don't let Luke discourage your thoughts," I tell him.

"Luke you should be more like Willie. He doesn't try to stop me from thinking about my favorite things all day," Reggie tells Luke.

Luke just rolls his eyes and scoffs. After a few minutes of Luke's sulking, Julie walks in.

"I'm so sorry, I have to help Carlos with his homework tonight, no excuses. So I can't go to the party. Also why is Jingle Bell Rock playing from the loft?" she asks.

"Oh don't worry about that," I tell her.

She leaves in a hurry, so I guess she's busy. Me, Reggie, and Luke talk about random stuff for a few hours. When I check the time, I realize we need to get ready.

"Oh, we need to get ready for the party!" I say. "By the way, the theme is pink glamour."

Reggie is happy about it, but Luke groans at the thought of wearing pink. I yell to Alex that I'm coming up to the loft, so he can stop his dancing for a little.

"We need to get ready for the party," I tell him. "The theme is pink glamour."

I pick out a pink crop top, white jean shorts, and pink and white checkered Vans. After I get changed, I come back to see Alex still picking out his outfit.

"Do you need help picking an outfit?" I ask.

"Well I've kind of never been to a party except for Luke's and Reggie's birthday parties," he says.

"Oh that's okay! What kind of vibe are you going for?"

"Uhh just my normal style but pink I guess."

"Alright, how about one of my crop tops so we can match? Trust me, everyone there is super nice and won't judge you at all."

"Can I tie a jacket around my waist to help?" he asks.

"Yes, of course. Do anything that makes you comfortable."

He ends up wearing the crop top with his jean jacket around his waist. He pairs it with black sweatpants and his normal shoes.

When we're finally ready, we go down to find Luke and Reggie waiting for us. Luke has on a pink beanie, the only pink on his body, and the rest is his everyday wear.

But Reggie. He is ready. He has on a sparkly pink jacket, a pink shirt, pink pants, and white shoes. He even has on pink sunglasses that he got from Julie.

"AWWWW the boyfriends are matching," says Reggie.

Alex blushes like crazy at that. I notice Luke looks miserable wearing pink.

"Luke, it's really not that serious. It's literally your pink beanie," I tell him.

"Buts it's too much pink," he whines.

I roll my eyes. "Whatever, you'll live. Is everyone ready?" I ask.

They all agree. We stand in a line and all hold hands. I poof us to where the party is, and we walk in.

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