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Alex's pov
About a week and a half after I talked about finding Willie, I get fed up with still not going out to find him. When Luke says it's time to rehearse, I don't jump up and rush to my drums like I normally do. Instead, I continue sitting on the couch looking all sad.

"Alex what's wrong? You've been acting sad all day," says Luke.

"It's nothing, just rehearse without me," I say.

"No. You're gonna tell me what's wrong," he sits next to me. "I'll sit here until you tell me."

"I've been wanting to look for Willie ever since I suggested it. But I know it's not that important to you. I know I'm not worth worrying that much about, so just rehearse because I know music means a lot to you."

Luke looks like he just found out he can't play guitar ever again.

"Lex I am so sorry I made you feel that way. Never ever ever think that you aren't worth my attention. Man, I would even give up music for you. I really didn't mean to seem rude or like I was putting it off. You could've reminded me and we could've gone looking a couple days ago," he says, wiping away some tears.

He yells to Reggie and Julie, "Rehearsal's cancelled for today! We're gonna help Alex find Willie!"

"Yay, the boyfriends get to reunite!" says Reggie.

"He's not my boyfriend," I say blushing.

"Do I finally get to meet Alex's boyfriend that he won't shut up about?" asks Julie.

"Again, he's not my boyfriend."

"Julie you stay here and hold down the place. Me, Alex, and Reggie are gonna look for Willie," says Luke.


I think of a few ideas of where Willie could be. First, we try the Orpheum. Once we poof there, we make a plan to spread out and search every inch of this place.

There's no sign of Willie there. Next, we check Justin Bieber's empty pool. I still don't know who that is, but he must be rich.

Willie isn't there either. I really don't wanna have to check the Hollywood Ghost Club, so our last resort is the museum.

Once we get there, we decide which part each of us will explore. Reggie gets the right wing, Luke gets the middle, and I get the left wing.

After about thirty minutes of looking around, I think I've lost all hope until I notice a door hidden in the way back. I hear a noise come from it, so I silently walk up to it.

I slowly open the door, careful not to make any noise. I grab a metal pole in case it's someone I need to beat up. At first glance, I don't see anything. I decide to walk deeper into the room, keeping as quiet as possible.

When I get closer to the back corner, I see a figure. I set the pole down because it looks harmless. I strain my eyes to see what it is. Then I realize I've found Willie.

He's sitting on the ground with his knees up to his chest and his face resting on his knees. He looks like he's trying to disappear into the darkness and never be seen again. I can also hear that he's sobbing.

I can't take it anymore and I sit next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinches at the touch.

"Caleb, I mean Sir, please go away. I promise I'll never do that again," Willie says in between sobs.

"Shh shh shh, it's not Caleb. It's just Alex," I whisper.

He looks up at me and throws his arms around me. I tightly hug him back and can't help but cry. He starts bawling even more.

"You're okay, don't worry. I'm right here, nothing can hurt you," I whisper.

We break away from the hug and he just stares at me.

"But how are you still here?" he asks all teary-eyed.

"We don't need to worry about that." I move his hair out of his face. "The real problem is why are you so sad."

He gets a nervous look on his face. "Caleb found out I helped you guys play the Orpheum."

What. He can't be serious. "Willie please tell me you're joking."

"I'm not. He got really mad and I had to get away so I came here."

"He got really mad? What did he do?"

Willie's making me very concerned.

"Oh he didn't really do anything," he says and looks away.

"Willie. Tell me what he did. I don't care if he did the worst thing imaginable, you're going to tell me."

He looks back up at me. He takes off his jacket and reveals that his arms are covered in bruises, scratches, and other things of the like.

"There's also more on my legs and my torso and he kept sending me jolts that were at the highest power he could do," Willie says.

My mind goes blank. All I can think of is ending Caleb. I stand up and start pacing. I guess you can physically see how enraged I am. Willie gets up and limps over to me.

He puts his hands on my shoulders. "Alex, calm down. Don't plan anything, because if Caleb knows you and the band are alive, he would put the stamp back on you."

I push Willie away from me. "I don't care what that man thinks he'll do, but I will end him and his stupid little club," I say.

I'm not even the kind of person to get mad. Yeah, I'll get the teeniest bit mad every now and then, but this is a whole new feeling. I just want to punch a hole in the wall or something.

So that's what I do.

Willie rushes over to me as fast as he can and he grabs my hands. "Alex, you need to calm down. Being angry isn't gonna help anything," he tells me in a calming voice.

I manage to slow my breaths and I calm down. Then Luke and Reggie walk in.

"Hey we heard a loud noise is everything okay?" asks Luke.

With no hesitation, Reggie just runs up to Willie and hugs him.

"YAYYY ALEX FOUND WILLIE!!!" he says with so much excitement.

"Reg, calm down," Luke says as he pulls Reggie away. "Im sorry about him."

"No worries!" says Willie.

"Can we head back to the studio so Willie doesn't have to be here anymore?" I ask.

"Yeah of course!" says Luke.

Luke and Reggie poof back to the studio. Willie puts his jacket on and grabs his skateboard. I hold his hand and we both poof back to the studio.

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