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tw: panic attack (ive never had one so im gonna try my best)
Alex's pov
The next morning, I feel something latched onto me. I take off my sleep mask and realize it's Willie. I wrap my arms around him and lay my head on his.

A few minutes later, I sit up and do all my stretches. I look down to where Luke and Reggie normally are, but they aren't there. I check the time, and it's only 8 AM. There's no way they woke up before me.

I quietly climb down from the loft and see something on the chair Reggie slept in. It's a note that says "We went to explore the city because you and your boyfriend are lazy. xoxo, Reggie, Luke, and Jules. P.S. the clock is wrong and it's actually 12 pm."

12 PM? No. They have to be joking. I look outside and it's definitely 12. How did I sleep in this late? This is absolutely bamboozling.

I quickly grab my clothes and change. I sit on the couch with my drumsticks, practicing a song. I'm doing this so Willie doesn't think I woke up way too late.

About an hour later, I hear slow footsteps climbing down the ladder. I pretend to be so focused on practicing this song that I don't see Willie. He sits next to me and lays his head on my shoulder. I set my drumsticks down.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," I whisper.

He groans.

"Oh are you still tired?"

He picks up his head and looks at me.

"I'm not tired!" he says in a tired voice.

"Sure, I'll believe that," I say sarcastically.

All of a sudden, he gets an alarmed look on his face.

"Uhh I'll be right back," he says.

"Wait, where are you..." I start to say, but it's too late and he poofs away.

The only place he could be is the HGC. What will Caleb do? He's gonna know Willie's been here and that I'm alive and he's gonna find me and the band and get mad at us and it'll be my fault.

It starts getting harder to breathe. It also gets really hot, so I take my hoodie off. No this can't be happening. Not while I'm all alone.

I try to think about my drums, but it doesn't help. At this point, I can't even think. Tears are pouring down my face and I'm trying to calm down but nothing is working.

Please someone come back. Just help me that's all I need. I don't even have the air in my lungs to scream for help. I just have to sit here and silently suffer until someone comes back.

Then my mind goes blank.


The next thing I know, I flutter my eyes open and I see Julie comforting Luke and Reggie. I'm laying on the couch, so I pick my head up to see what's actually happening. Julie spots me and gasps.

Luke and Reggie glance up and run over to me. They tackle me with hugs. I have no idea what's happening, because the last thing I remember is not being able to breathe.

"What happened, are you okay?" asks Luke, wiping his tears.

"I don't know, the last thing I remember is I couldn't breathe then my mind went blank," I tell him.

"Well where's Willie?" asks Reggie.

"I don't know, he said he would be back soon then he just poofed out. I'm afraid he went to see Caleb," I say.

"Well how about if he isn't back in the next hour, we can go look for him," says Reggie. Finally, he says something reasonable.

I nod my head and just talk to everyone as much as I can. I'm so grateful to have friends like them, because I can share basically everything with no judgment.

Around 47 minutes later (because who's counting), Willie comes back. When he poofs in, I instantly dash over to him and give him the biggest hug. He hugs back and rests his head on my chest.

"Please never do that again, you had us so worried," I whisper.

"Yep, Alex even had a panic attack and fainted," says Reggie.

Willie pulls away from the hug. "What?" he asks.

I glare at Reggie. He starts to protest, but Julie shushes him.

"Uhh that's a story for another time!" I say in a high pitched voice.

"Just as long as you're okay now," says Willie.

"Uh we're gonna go up to the loft, I need to tell Willie something," I say. I go up to the loft and Willie follows.

We make ourselves comfortable on the bed and Willie just smiles at me. I love how comfortable I feel with him.

"So you've probably figured this out by now, but I feel like I just have to tell you," I start off with. He nods his head and lets me continue.

"So I have really bad anxiety. I had it before me and the band died, but it got way worse after. Like before we died, I would obviously get very anxious about things. But I only had a couple panic attacks and they weren't too bad."

I try to hold eye contact, but it feels too awkward so I look down. Willie moves my head so I look back up.

"It's okay, you can look at me," he says quietly.

I continue, "It's just been so weird since we died because I don't really feel anxious, the panic attacks just happen. So I'm sorry if it bothers you that I'm like this. I've been trying to work on it and it just won't get better."

Willie grabs my hand. "There's no need to apologize for that. I understand that it can be really overwhelming sometimes, and that's perfectly okay. Don't think it makes you less than what you're worth, because it doesn't. You are worth so much, and always remember that."

I feel my eyes start to well up with tears. "Do you really mean that?"

"Of course I do, I would never lie about something like that. You are more than perfect, and you don't need to change anything, no matter what anyone says."

He pulls me into a hug and we stay like that for a couple minutes. I feel so safe right now. Willie's hugs are so welcoming, I wish I could stay like this forever.

Once the hug is over, we just sit there admiring each other. But before I know it, Willie's lips are on mine.

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