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Willie's pov
Alex just told me all about his panic attacks and I feel so bad. I wish he would've told me earlier so I could've prevented the one he just had.

After he tells me, I give him a big hug. He sinks into it and we stay there for a few minutes. When I let go of him, I can't help but to admire him. All his features are so perfect and they fit him so well and I can't hold it in anymore so I kiss him.

But he almost instantly pulls away.

"I'm sorry, I had to get it out of my system," I say and cast my eyes down, trying not to cry.

"Hey, look at me," he says.

I look up and a few tears roll down my cheeks. Alex wipes them away and holds both my hands.

"Willie, please don't think I wasn't being rude when I pulled away. I was just so shocked and it caught me so off guard, I didn't know what to do," he tells me.

He lets go of my hands, places them on my face, and wipes the rest of my tears. I finally crack a smile and he pulls me in for a real kiss.

The kiss kinda sort of maybe turns into us making out, but I won't go into detail. When we finally pull away, I can't help but blush the most I ever have.

"I've been waiting to kiss you for so long," he says in a lovestruck voice.

"You should've done it earlier!" I say and give him a peck on the lips.

"Well we should probably go back down so they know we're okay," he says. I agree and we both go back down with everyone.

Alex sits on the couch and I lay with my head on his lap. Reggie and Luke exchange a look and Reggie holds out his hand.

"What are you guys- oh my gosh no you didn't," says Alex. He sounds very annoyed.

"Yes we did," says Reggie.

"What did they do?" I ask Alex.

"We made a bet on if you guys were gonna start dating today or not. Reggie won, so now I have to give him twenty dollars," says Luke with a sigh.

"Twenty dollars? You guys are crazy," says Alex. He starts playing with my hair, which I quite like.

"Well I tried to make it ten dollars but Reggie just insisted that it had to be twenty," says Luke.

Thankfully, before Reggie and Luke start a fight, Julie walks in. I hop up and rush over to her and give her a hug.

"It's my favorite person!!!" I say with so much excitement.

"Ayyy, it's my favorite person too!!" she says, returning the hug.

"Wow, that one hurt," says Alex, holding his heart.

"It sure did," says Luke. Reggie nods his head in agreement.

I go back to the couch and sit next to Alex. Julie sits next to me and we both start catching up with each other.

"Why do you two have so much to talk about? You just met yesterday," says Alex. I can tell he's jealous.

"Julie just needs to be caught up with the news," I say.

"Oh okay," he says which makes me feel bad.

Before I can do anything about it, he continues a conversation with Reggie and Luke, so I continue mine with Julie.

After Julie and I catch up with each other, I scoot closer to Alex and rest my head on his shoulder. He jokingly pushes me away since he got jealous when I was talking to Julie.

"Wowww that's how it is?" I question. I turn to Julie and whisper, "He's so stressful sometimes!"

"Wait, are you two like... together?" she asks.

I nod my head and she jumps up and screams. I also stand and we both jump in circles, screaming. Then for some reason, Reggie joins in.

"Why are we doing this?" he asks.

"Because Willie and Alex are finally together!" says Julie.

"Yeah and since we're together, no one else can have him," says Alex. He grabs my wrist and pulls me down to sit next to him.

Luke and Reggie exchange another glance. Luke holds out his hand this time, and Reggie reaches for his money.

"I swear you two are out of hand. What was it on this time," says Alex. I try to escape his grasp on my wrist, but he notices and pulls me into a tight hug.

"The bet was on if you would be super protective over Willie, so I won," says Luke while being handed his money.

"I'm not overprotective, what are you talking about?" asks Alex in his nervous, high pitched voice. He also tightens the hug which doesn't help considering the fact I'm trying to escape.

"Uhh Alex could you let go, it's getting kinda hard to breathe," I tell him.

"Oh yeah sorry," he says. He lets go and I gasp for air.

"Was I really holding on that tight?"

"Yeah kinda," I say.

"Oh I'm sorry!" he says and pulls me closer to him and kisses my head.

"Aww stop, you two are making me feel so lonely," Julie says.

Alex and Luke share a look. I'm guessing Luke likes Julie and doesn't have the gut to tell her. I hope he eventually tells her though, because it feels great having someone that actually loves you.

The band decides to rehearse, and I get to be their audience again. They rehearse 'Stand Tall' so I jump around during the song. But something is off in the way Luke looks at Julie...

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