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Alex's pov
The next morning when I take my sleep mask off, the first thing I see is Willie. He's smiling at me like the biggest goofball ever.

"Good morning hotdog," he says.

I just groan and rub my eyes. I sit up and do all my morning stretches. Willie also sits up and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"Good morning," I say in a tired voice.

"Awww is someone still tired?" he asks. I nod and he kisses my head. "Well while you wake up can I go for a skate around the city? I haven't been in a while."

I nod my head again and he jumps up. He gives my hoodie back, and as he's about to go down from the loft, I stop him.

"Wait, do you have a helmet or anything?" I ask.

"No, but I'll be fine. It's just an easy skate around."

"Okay please be careful."

"Don't worry, I will."

I give him a quick kiss before he heads out. I look over the railing of the loft and wave to him as he's leaving. But I also notice something else. Luke, Julie, and Reggie are gone. Who knows where they are.

Then I remember, Julie bought us all flip phones. I dial her number and it takes a little before she picks up.

She answers, "Hey Alex, is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just wondering where y'all are," I say.

"Oh, me and Flynn are out shopping, but Luke and Reggie just had to come along."

"Okay thank you, I just wanted to make sure nothing happened or anything!"

"Alright, call any of us if you need something!"

"Okay thank you! Bye."

"Goodbye," she says and hangs up.

Since I have nothing better to do, I decide to clean up around the studio. Once I finish cleaning, I go back up to loft.

I make the bed and notice I still haven't put my beloved hoodie away yet. As I put it away, I see one of Willie's crop tops. I'm tempted to put it on, even though it'll look bad.

I decide to do it anyway since no one is here. As I put it on, I glue my eyes to the door, making sure no one walks in. When I get the crop top on and look in the mirror, I decide I hate it.

I hate how it defines my shape. I hate how it shows my stomach. I hate how it makes me look fat. I hate how it proves Willie can pull anything off but I can barely pull my basic hoodies off.

As I'm criticizing myself in front of the mirror, I hear the door creak open. I whip my head around so fast, I almost get whiplash. It's just Willie. I shouldn't be scared to show my stomach in front of him, but I am.

I immediately fold my arms over the exposed skin. Before I can do anything, Willie notices me. He poofs up to the loft and I avoid eye contact.

"Is that one of my crop tops?" he asks.

I nod my head and sit on the floor bringing my knees to my chest, still hiding my stomach.

"Well can I see what it looks like?" he asks, sitting next to me.

I shake my head no. I start crying, thinking what his reaction would be if he saw my ugly body. He puts his hand on my shoulder and gently rubs it.

"Don't cry, what's wrong?" he asks with genuine concern in his voice.

"You'll laugh at me if I show you," I say, my voice shaky.

He softly gasps. "Alex I would never laugh at you. If anyone ever has, they are so wrong."

babe and hotdog! (willex jatp)Where stories live. Discover now