fun times

458 13 10

Willie's pov
I'm at the Hollywood Ghost Club. And Alex is here. Caleb summoned us both, so we had no choice. Caleb is threatening Alex with so many ways to end him, and it's terrifying. We both try to run, but Caleb restrains us.

He finally settles on a way, which is making me end Alex. No, he can't do this. I beg and beg and beg for him not to, but he doesn't change one bit of his mind. Once he takes control of my actions, I try to fight against it, but that angers him further.

"William, William, William..." he says. But then his voice fades away, "Willie, Willie, Willie please wake up," says Alex urgently.

I jolt my eyes open and instantly sit up. Alex gently wraps his arms around me. He starts running his fingers through my hair.

"Shh it's okay. It was just a nightmare, it isn't real," he whispers.

The nightmare won't stop replaying in my head, so I just start bawling in his arms.

"You're okay, nothing can hurt you. I'm right here," he whispers.

Him comforting me helps and I calm down a bit, but I'm still crying.

"The nightmare was so vivid though," I say.

"Well that doesn't mean it's real."

"But what if it becomes real."

"Listen to me. Whatever it was won't become real. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you."

Dude, Alex should be a ghost therapist or something. He's so gentle with his words and knows exactly what to say. I stay in his arms for a few more minutes.

When I finally recollect myself, I give Alex a kiss. He pulls me in for about ten more. I'm sure I'm blushing like crazy, but he is too.

"Hey hotdog?" I ask.


"Can I wear one of your hoodies today?"

"Sure, you have to give it back though."

"What if I don't want to give it back."

"Then you won't wear one."

"Fine I'll give it back," I say in defeat. I go look at all of his hoodies. Why does he have so many? I finally settle on a black one that has some random band name on the back.

"Hey, that's my Pink Floyd hoodie, you better be careful with it," he says.

"I will," I say and go down from the loft.

Julie is sitting on the floor on her phone, so I sit next to her.

"It's my favorite person!" she says and hugs me.

"Heyyy favorite person!" I say and hug her back.

"Do you know where Alex is?" she asks.

"Yeah he's up in the loft. I'm sure he'll be down here eventually."

"Okay at least he's here. I haven't seen Luke and Reggie all morning."

"Well I just woke up so I have no idea. I can ask Alex though."

"Yeah he might know."

I go up to the loft to ask Alex, and he tells me. When I try to leave to go tell Julie, he grabs my arm and won't let me.

"Is something wrong?" I ask.

"No, I just wanted to kiss you," he says and gives me a kiss.

I roll my eyes, even though that was really cute. I climb down from the loft, and Alex follows. Julie looks up hoping that he has an answer.

"They told me they were just gonna go look around the city some more to see if there's any spots where we can all hangout," says Alex.

"Oh good. They had me worried," says Julie.

I sit next to Julie again and look at her phone with her.

"Oh my gosh, I love High School Musical!" I say.

"Stop, me too! Who's your favorite character," she says.

"Is that even a question? It's obviously queen Sharpay."

"Thank you! Literally no one else likes her."

"What's High School Musical?" asks Alex.

Julie and I almost pass out. There's no way he doesn't know what High School Musical is.

"Hotdog, you have to be joking," I say.

"I'm being serious," he says.

"Oh my goodness. Sit here and just watch," says Julie.

Alex sits next to her and she starts it from the beginning. When it gets to Troy and Gabriella's duet, me and Julie sing along. Alex looks kind of concerned.

"Why do you two know all the words?" he asks.

"Shush. Just watch," I say.

When Sharpay appears, me and Julie start freaking out. Alex rolls his eyes and takes the phone so he can actually watch.

Once it gets to "Bop To The Top," me and Julie go full performance style. We do the choreography and everything, just without a ladder, but Alex doesn't seem to appreciate it.

In the middle of "Breaking Free," Luke and Reggie come back. Me and Julie stop mid-performance.

"I don't even wanna know," says Luke.

Alex gives Julie's phone back, and she turns it off.

"Anyways, we found a cool spot for us all!" says Reggie.

"What is it?" asks Alex.

"There's a place that has unlimited ice cream and pizza," says Reggie.

"No don't listen to Reggie. He thinks whatever he believes will come true. The truth is we didn't find a place," says Luke.

"That's fine, we still have the studio!" says Julie. She gives her phone back to Alex so he can continue watching High School Musical.

I sit next to him, Julie and Luke cuddle up on the couch, and Reggie sits on a beanbag chair. I quietly watch along with Alex until me and Julie hear the beginning of "We're All In This Together."

We simultaneously gasp, jump up, and start singing. We also do the choreography for that song. When we're done, Luke and Reggie applaud, but Alex wasn't even paying attention.

"So, how did you like the movie?" asks Julie.

"Uhh I would give it like a 2/10," says Alex as he hands her phone back.

"A two? Hotdog, that's gotta be a lie," I say.

"No, I actually think it's a two."

"Wow, I'm hurt," I say and hold my heart. "Don't worry though, I'm sure there's at least one musical we can get you to like," I tell him.

I sit next to Alex again, and Julie cuddles up with Luke. We all just talk about whatever we want for a few hours.

When the band decides to rehearse, I stand to get ready to be their audience. I hold out my hand to help Alex up, but he gets up on his own and sits on the couch.

babe and hotdog! (willex jatp)Where stories live. Discover now