Imagine (14) Request

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Requested by Ch3rryBB0M

It's near midnight, and you just got home from extra classes and studying in the library for your finals. It sucked, but it had to be done, since your parents expected that you scored well for all your examinations. When you enter your room, your boyfriend, h/n, is asleep on your bed, phone on his side, like he was waiting for you to get home. Your mother must have let him in again. He looked cute when he was asleep, peaceful, and none of the mischievous expressions he displayed during the day. Yawning, you when to prepare yourself for bed.
When you got out of the bathroom, he had not been woken up by the noise you had been making, or the light from the bathroom. You creep to the bed after turning of the lights, and slide under the covers desire him. Feeling your cold hand touch his warm ones, he wakes up and rasps in his sleepy voice, "Hello, princess, I was waiting for you." Hearing his sleepy voice made your heart skip a beat, as it was husky and just gave you butterflies. You snuggled a little closer to his warm body and he wraps an arm around your waist.
You wake up from the sound of rain on your window, and for once you are grateful that you had closed the Windows before bed. You find your throat dry, so you get up to get a drink, but a firm grip on your writst refrains you from doing so. "Where are you going, princess?" he asks. "Don't leave me, I want you here.." he whines. Since when was he ever this clingy? You try to swallow saliva to wet your throat, and forget about the drink. Clingy h/n was something you wouldn't miss as long as you were alive. "Princess, I want to cuddle. No, you are not resisting," he tells you, and you want to tease him, do you try to wiggle out of his grasp. "Princess.." he whines softly and it literally melts your heart. "Alright, alright. Why so clingy today?" you tease as you wrap your arms around his neck. "Mm.." he hums as you press you lips to his neck, knowing very well that it is his weak point and always flops when you kiss him there. You feel him shudder and to tease him, you press another butterfly kiss on the crook of his neck. He barely suppresses a groan as you kiss his neck again. "Princess.." he warns. "Don't start what you can't finish." At this statement, you start kissing his neck even more feverishly and he shudders over and over again, each time groaning louder than the previous. "God, will you ever listen?" he mutters softly as he slips his onto your hips. You pull away quickly, and he groans in frustration. "Y/n, what kind of teaser was that?" You chuckle softly and press another kiss to his neck before moving up to his jawline and then his lips. Instantly, it clicks, and it feels like time has froze. He sighs against your lips as you curl your hands into his hair and lock him under your leg, and he kisses you back with the same ferocity. His hands slide on impulse under your shirt, and you feel his hands grab your waist under your shirt. Suddenly, you are on top of him, and he pulls away before he can lose control. "Y/n, let's finish this someday."

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