Imagine (20) Sick and cold boyfie

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          The moment you got home, you called out your boyfriend's name, hoping that he'd come over for a tight hug after a long day. "H/n, my prince, I'm home," you call, waiting for him reply, but none came. "H/n, are you okay?" You call out again. No reply. Worried, you decided to walk around the house in search for your boyfriend.
      Walking past his room, you find his door slightly ajar, with no light coming from inside, but you hear soft breathing a rustling sounds. As quietly as possible, you push the door open and walk in on your tip-toes. You see him tucked under his blanket, sleeping on his right side and cuddling a pillow. Your heart melted at the sight of your normally tough boyfriend looking so vulnerable. "Hello, Little prince," you whisper as you sat on the side of his bed and stroked his hair. He gave you a soft sound and turned over so he was facing you. "How are you? We're you so worn out?" You ask, still stroking his hair. "I don't..." he groans, voice husky and thick with what seemed like sleep. "I don't feel well.." he admitted, eyes still shut. You press a light kiss to his forehead. "What's wrong? Did you eat anything?" You ask, concern lacing your voice. He shook his head slightly. "I can't eat. I tried but just threw up everything later. Not even porridge goes into my system," he said weakly. "I'm sorry," you whisper gently. He shook his head. "It's not your fault,"
     "I'm sorry you have to go through this.." He laughed gently. "Why do you always have to be so freaking cute?" You blushed but rose to get him water and to change out of your clothes and take a shower. "I'll be right back, okay?"
        When you get back, you see him turn, his hand on his stomach and lips slightly parted. You slide in silently beside him, only wanting to hold him and make everything better for him at that moment. "Hello, princess, welcome back," he croaks. You lay your head on his chest and listen to his racing heartbeat, a common symptom of being sick. "Turn over. It's your turn to be the little spoon," you command in a loving manner, and he turns over obediently. You wrap your arms around his waist and tuck his head under your chin. He shifted to get comfortable and soon both of you fell asleep.
       In the middle of the night*
    Somehow, you guys ended up beside each other and not cuddling anymore, when suddenly you feel extremely hot fingers graze your back. You draw in a sharp breath from the sudden heat but realise that it's not an unknown object, but your boyfriend's hand. "God, H/n, are you okay? You hand is burning!" You told him, worried sick. It was not normal for anyone to be that warm, even if he always kept you warm. You reach over to warm him up, only to find that he is shivering like mad. His whole body is curled into a tight ball, teeth chattering and drawing in shaky breaths. "I'm so..cold.. I.. f..feel like I've ...I've been in a f..freezer..." he stutters, drawing the blanket tighter over himself. You reach over to cuddle him, feeling only a ball of heat. "You're literally burning up.." you whisper as he sighs into your chest. "Really? I feel the opposite.. I've never actually been sick like this before.. it's scary, it's like suddenly I just couldn't breathe and just couldn't hold any tension in my body, I literally went limp," he explained while cuddling you tight to his chest. Your heart constricted in pain when you heard that. Even hearing what he had to go through was painful. "I'm scared.." he utters softly. "I don't want to shiver like that again..can you cuddle me and never let go?" He asks. "Of course, baby. I'm right here. Right here if anything happens again, okay?" You comfort him as you stroke his back and press a lingering kiss on the top of his head. "Thanks for holding me.." he says.
      "Get better soon darling, I love you."

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