Imagine (16) Requesttt

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Requested by Black4lifeeeee!

You and H/n were having a hard time getting along. Lately, you were staying over at their house since your parents were away on a business trip and h/n's parents were really good friends with yours. Today, you were sitting at the dinner table, trying to eat your dinner, but he kept pestering you, and it was getting on your nerves. "What are you trying to do?!" You shouted at him frustratedly. "I just want to eat my dinner! Stop trying to take whatever I want to eat!" He smirked at you and the next time you reached to take a piece of food, he scooped it right out of your chopsticks and fed it to himself. You could see his smug expression and resisted the ever growing temptation to hit his face. You growled at him, and he laughed. "Ooh, scary~" he taunted, still laughing at you.
At this point, you couldn't handle it anymore. You walked over to him and your fist met his cheekbone. He cried out in shock, and tried to return a blow, but his parents had witnessed everything. "That's enough, both of you!" His father roared. "If the both of you cannot get along, I would have to force it!" Then, he moved all of your stuff into h/n's room. You stood there in shock, mouth open but you couldn't do anything. It wasn't even your father, it was his and if you were to argue with him, it wouldn't end well.
*at night
It was already 11 pm, and you were so ready to go to sleep, so you trudged into his room to see only one bed, occupied by h/n. You sighed and yanked the covers off a smirking h/n, and he glared at you. "What the hell, y/n? Get off my bed and hand me my covers back. I'm going to sleep. Enjoy the floor!" He then proceeded to turn on the air conditioner, and you felt the cool air hit your face. "Fine," you muttered and lay down on the floor.
A while later, you were shivering like crazy. The air conditioning was so cold, and you were on his bedroom floor, that didn't help. You tried snuggling into a ball, but even with your blanket, you couldn't get rid of the coldness. "Why is it so cold.." you muttered and turned the other side, now facing the bottom of h/n's bed. "C'mere," you heard a husky voice say and sat up, yelling as a twinge shot up your neck. He laughed breathily, and commented, "silly girl. I'll keep you warm." He patted the space beside him and motioned for you to sleep with him. You felt your cheeks warm, but since he was offering, you couldn't turn it down, it was too cold.
The moment you lay down beside him, he tucked you under the covers and drew you close to him. The heat from his body was slowly warming you up, and you couldn't resist but sigh contentedly into his chest. Stroking your hair gently, his other arm snaked around your waist to hold you steady. You were no longer shivering, and you were instead warm and toasty in the arms of h/n. He moved his hand to rub the part of your neck that hurt, like he knew exactly were you were hurting. "Thanks," you breathed into his chest, inhaling the scent of him. His arm tightened around you waist and he gently pressed his lips to your forehead and god, were those lips soft. "Is this okay?" He asks as you shifted slightly. You nodded and slipped you hand under his shirt, making him gasp sharply. You could feel his racing heartbeat, and then you knew how you made him feel. It wasn't hate at all, it was love.
You pressed your lips to his neck and he gave a soft moan of approval, you knew you had just found his weak spot. You laughed and ran your hand down his abdomen, feeling his muscles tense up as your hand got closer. He decided he couldn't take it anymore, and brought his lips sharply to yours. It was like a taste of heaven, he nipped at your lips and soon it was not innocent kissing anymore, it had turned into a full make out session.
His tongue traced the places that he bit, calming the stinging pain, and your hands automatically tangled themselves in his hair, and he whimpered against your lips. You were in control of the kiss now, it was your chance to make him moan. You shifted you lower body so that it was directly pressed against him, and you moved around, knowing what it would make him do. His hand flew to your waist and gripped it so hard, because you could feel his pants rise. "Y/n," he moaned softly as he tugged at the hem of your shirt. You broke away to catch your breath and he tried slipping his hand under your shirt as revenge for what you had made him feel, but you grabbed his hand. He was panting and begging you to let him feel your bare skin, but you loved how desperate he was, so you didn't let him and continued kissing his neck. Accidentally, you ground your lower body against his, and he moaned again. "F*ck, y/n, stop teasing me," he groaned and once again tried slipping his hand into your shirt. You stopped him again. "No, we've got to stop," you muttered against his neck and lifted your lips from his vulnerable part. He whined but you slowly drifted off to sleep.
In the morning, you were no longer enemies. Just one night was enough to know what you wanted and needed so badly. He woke up in a mess, his arm pinned around your middle. His legs were around yours, and when you woke up, there was a fierce bruise on his cheekbone, and you flushed a deep scarlet. "Crap, I'm sorry," you apologised as he winced when he yawned. Brushing you fingers gingerly over the bruise, you decided to take care of his face. "I acted on impulse, I'm sorry for ruining your perfect face," you whispered. He was sitting on the bed, and he pulled you so you were straddled in his lap. "Darling, it's okay," you said as you buried your face in your palms. He kissed the top of your head and made you lay back onto him. You whined softly and he laughed. "I hurt you, I.." he cut you off by placing his finger to your lips. "Shh," he whispered in your ear and caressed your hair. "I'll be fine."

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