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The day came when we were set to embark on our adventure, but we found ourselves in a scenario where the prince of this kingdom performed his stupid dance right in our faces after we awoke. It's far too early for such foolishness.

He then walked towards me and cautiously held my hands before kissing the back of it, "Good morning, ma dame, did you had a great sleep last night?" He uttered

"Uh...yeah, sure..." I responded

"Pleasure to hear it, ma dame. Would you be interested in taking a stroll with me to my garden? I'm confident you adore blooms!" He exclaim cheerfully

"Oi, what about us?" Theodore queries

"Let's see, I'm not available to entertain you today since I'd be entertaining lady Eloise alone all day so, meh, I don't care what you'll do." Alphonse simply replied

"You're not allowed to take her anywhere unless I said so."

I glance at Severus's direction as his expression changed

"Oh? You must be the prince from the Northern Empire. Severus Leonitus, isn't it?" Alphonse remarks

Severus didn't answer

"You must have realized by now that you have no authority in this kingdom. You cannot tell me what I should or should not do. I can prevent you from returning to this empire with a single order, so don't attempt to belittle me in either way, mate." Alphonse threatened him

Severus restrains himself from punching him. He realized that if he fought back to Alphonse, he would jeopardize our strategy and the purpose we had entered the Eastern Empire.

I interrupt the intense ambience by saying, "I'm sorry, your highness, I am not available at the moment. Thanks for inviting me, though."

"I see, but would you please come to the banquet tonight? I've already invited you yesterday but I assumed you must've forgotten about that since I heard about what happened to one of your companion." He uttered, "However, I'd do everything in my power to punish the person who's responsible for---"

His words were cut off when one of the knights approached him with a news, "My lord, the aristocrat we arrested yesterday was found dead in his chamber!"

All of us was shocked by the news, including Stella herself.

"What happened?" Alphonse asks

"No idea but he was brutality killed. His skull cracked and seems like he was massacred." The knight said

I can already picture what happened to him

"I see. I guess someone already took care of him for us. I was gonna said I'm about to publicly execute him but this way will do." He uttered, "Well then, I'm off to go."

He held my hands once again and kissed it, "I'll anticipate your presence tonight, ma dame." He said then exits along with his knights

I waved goodbye to them before turning my gaze towards Gabriel's direction

He avoided to make an eye contact wth me.

I knew it, it was him who did it.

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