Chapter 2

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The doorbell rang at the stark mansion and Pepper looked at the name on Tony's calendar. Dr. Erin Dietrich. She didn't know if this was a real meeting of colleagues or some old flame of Tony's but they don't usually meet at the house unless Tony wants to bed them. She looked out on the camera and there was a gorgeous green eyed redhead standing outside with a briefcase and her purse. Pepper headed out of her temporary office since her office at Stark was being renovated. She kind of liked working at the mansion because she could sit outside and get some sun or put her feet in the pool and Tony mostly tinkered in his lab and only bothered her for food or when he wasn't getting enough attention. She made it to the foyer when Tony came running up the stairs in fresh jeans and a button down and she could smell his cologne when he was halfway up the stairs. It was Hugo Boss.

"An hour ago when you came up for lunch you were elbow deep in grease and now you're showered with fresh clothes and cologne. Let me guess this woman Erin is someone you haven't slept with," Pepper teased.

"Isn't there work you could be doing?" he asked her with irritation. He didn't like anyone to know that there were women he couldn't get into bed.

"You didn't sleep with her. Should I prepare your fake bedroom?" Pepper continued to play the game and push his buttons.

The doorbell rang again.

"She looks very classy and sophisticated.I bet you can't do it. I think she will know what you're all about and run," Pepper teased him further.

He was really irritated now.

"And I bet you she will be jumping at the chance," he said.

"If I win, no Jarvis to do things for you for one work week. You can only keep him for security and building things. But everyday things you need to do yourself," she said.

"And if I win I get to pick your outfits the rest of the work week," he said.

"Deal," she said and they shook on it.

Tony answered the door and Erin walked in.

"Tony, it's nice to see you. Thank you for meeting with me," she said.

Tony gave her his seductive smile and that was her cue.

Pepper got out of view but couldn't help eavesdropping. She had to see. This poor woman was an unsuspecting lamb and he was the lion. She didn't know what was about to hit her and just how seductive Tony's eyes could be. So seductive that they creep into your mind at night sometimes.

Tony poured some wine and gave her a glass. She took it and had a sip.

"Here is the proposal I had drawn up for you," she said, putting the envelope down on the table.

"We have plenty of time to talk shop. I want to talk about us," he said, getting closer to her.

Pepper's jaw dropped. He got closer with the bedroom eyes and she didn't even flinch. She was a true professional.

"What about us?" she asked as she finished her wine.

"Just wondering how you slipped by me at MIT? A beautiful and smart woman like yourself,"

Pepper rolled her eyes. That was Tony's charm playing with her mind. This woman was good. She had it all together and much more composure than Pepper at times.

"Are you trying to pick me up?"

Tony didn't answer, instead he cupped her face gently and went in for a soft kiss. If his eyes didn't do the trick or his charm the soft kiss was usually the kiss of death. He was close and she pulled away. It was like a miracle. Pepper silently cheered. She was going to have fun watching him try and do things without Jarvis. She went back into her office and continued her work and then twenty minutes later she could hear female moans and she snuck out again hiding behind the plant and Erin's top was ripped open, her skirt was hiked and she was on Tony's lap and you know the rest.

Pepper walked through the door at 6:00 pm and she kicked her shoes off. She sat down at her computer and opened a word document. She was stunned and furious.

Where did I go wrong? I thought I had her pegged. Her as in lamby. Lamby as in unsuspecting lamb. This one was smart and beautiful. She was a doctor. Not an M.D but one of those super smart scientists. Green eyes and red hair with giant breasts of course as if he would notice anything else. I made a bet and lost. I didn't think he could nail this one. She seemed unimpressed by his type. I hid behind a plant to watch , I know it sounds creepy, but I had to be sure he wouldn't lie about whether or not they slept together and I thought I won. I really thought I won. First he got really close to her and gave her the eyes. That was step one. I've seen some girls collapse into his arms after the eyes. Then the pick up line. I'll admit usually they are awful but he will always find a moronic bimbo it will work on but sometimes it's charming like today. And then he went for the soft kiss. He even cupped her face with his hands and she pulled away. I had won. She resisted. I went back to my office and barely twenty minutes later I could hear a soft female moan. I resumed my position behind the plant and her top was open and her breasts were out, her skirt was hiked way up and she was on his lap riding him. I almost gasped out loud. How does he do it? And the look in her eyes was one of pure ecstasy. I couldn't get the images out of mind. And now he gets to choose my work wardrobe for an entire week. So I'm prepared to be embarrassed and ogled the entire day. Do you know anyone like this? Why is he like this? Please weigh in in the comments.

Pepper hit save and uploaded it. She was looking forward to the weekend.

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