Chapter 19

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Pepper put on a thong back bodysuit with basically just three small patches of fabric to cover her nipples and her vagina. She took a deep breath and put her outfit on top of the suit and packed a tiny airplane bottle of vodka in her jeans pocket in case she lost her nerve. She went down to the kitchen as normal and to her surprise Tony was already awake and helping her mother with breakfast which ruined her first plan. She felt she was ready to be with Tony physically and felt that he might not be so upset that she didn't say I love you back if they were having sex. She was going to bring him breakfast and more but he was already up.

"Good morning sweetheart. Tony is such a doll. He is helping me make pancakes," her mother said.

"Yes he's wonderful isn't he,"

"Oh dear we're all out of orange juice. Can you go to the store and get some? Your father will be cranky without it,"

"I can go," Tony offered.

"Don't be silly. We need you here to get to know you. Ginny can go,"

"Sure mom," Pepper said as she headed to the car.

Shit shit shit shit shit she thought. She needed another plan. Otherwise she was gonna have to wing it. She pulled into the market and got out of the car and as she headed to the door she ran into Randall.

"Ginny wow you look amazing. Would you like to go out with me tonight or any night really?" he felt emboldened to ask since Tony was not with her. Pepper was taken aback and she couldn't believe Tony was right.

"Randall Tony and I are sort of dating and figuring things out. That's why I brought him here," she said.

"Well you didn't introduce him as your boyfriend or anything and you guys don't act like a couple so it's very misleading. I've had a crush on you since we were thirteen," he said.

"I'm flattered. I really am but like I said Tony and I are figuring this thing out. I've got to run in and get some orange juice for my dad," she said as she hurried away.

She grabbed her phone and texted Tony.

I can't believe you were right. Randall asked me out. I told him you and I were dating.

Pepper could see that Tony read the text but he did not reply even by the time she returned to the house with orange juice for her dad.

Breakfast was awkward and quiet and she could tell Tony was still hurt. She put her leg on his thigh under the table and caressed it. He didn't pull away but he also didn't turn to look at her.

A few hours passed and she texted him again.

Are you going to ignore me forever? I want to make up. Meet me in the barns after lunch so we can talk.

This time he responded.


Pepper excused herself and went back into her bedroom and she double checked herself again making sure her bikini line was perfect and no hair was spilling out. She put on Tony's favorite perfume and went to meet him. She was hoping to beat him there but she could hear him rustling around and she took a swig of the vodka in her jeans and began to undo them and let them fall to the floor.

"I know you're upset with me. I want to make things right and I have something I think you'll like very much," she said as she let the last piece of clothes covering her bodysuit hit the floor as she rounded the corner.

"I like it very much," Randall said.

Pepper gasped.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were Tony. I told him to meet me here," she said, trying to cover herself up.

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