Chapter 3

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Pepper woke up and scrolled the comments on her blog.

Finally caught up. Your boss is rich so there's an attraction there automatically. But he does sound hot imo, also you're my hero for watching behind a plant. @spacechick32

As a dude I gotta say the fact that you're so obsessed with your boss that you're writing about who he sleeps with is hot. Can I get your number? @chillwitu!!

I am NOT obsessed with Tony, she thought. She grabbed her ear buds and headed outside for her morning run. She was deep into Rumors by Fleetwood Mac when the phone rang. She just wanted a day of peace and prayed Tony was not calling her for some silly reason because he was bored and wanted attention and to her luck it was her friend Lisa.

"Hey I'm out for my run, what's up?" Pepper said with staggered breath. She wanted to avoid side stitches.

"Are you free tonight or is Tony trying to make you work overtime?" she asked..

"I don't know or care what Tony is doing tonight, but I am certain he will NOT be alone," Pepper stressed.

"Vanessa and I are going to The Bungalow in Santa Monica. Are you coming?"

Pepper thought about it for a minute. She hadn't had a night with the girls in a long time and the bungalow was one of the best bars for singles, not that she was looking.

"Ok," she said.

"9:30 sharp,"

"Lis- im 37 years old not 27. I'm in bed by 11,"

"Live a little. 9:30 sharp," she said as she hung up.

Pepper finished her run and she was lost. What do women in their late thirties wear to a bar?, she thought. She went through her closet and remembered the "Shop your closet" article in Cosmo.

She found a pair of her best Calvin jeans and pulled out a dressy halter top and a pair of pink heels she's been dying to wear but they were too loud for work.

Tony thought about all his girls and who he wanted to see and he remembered Rhodey was in town and he would need two girls. He had JARVIS send Gina a message to be at the mansion at 9 and bring a friend for Rhodes because he would never actually give her his phone number.

"JARVIS get Rhodey on the line," he said to the A.I.

"Right away Sir," the robotic voice answered.

A minute later Rhodey answered the phone.

"Hi platypus," Tony said.

"What do you want?"

"We're going out. Gina is bringing a friend. Come to the mansion at 9 sharp,"

"Tony I can't,"

"Nine pm sharp," he said before the line went dead.

Pepper, Lisa and Vanessa were sitting down in a half moon shaped booth that was big enough to seat eight people and they ordered drinks. Pepper scanned around and there were definitely some single men hiding around the room, but none of them piqued her interest. Vanessa had her eyes on one but she was trying to play it cool.

"Slim pickins tonight huh," Lisa said.

Pepper nodded and sipped her mojito.

Tony and Rhodey and their dates were at the entrance of The Bungalow and Tony was arguing about being told he had to wait for a table to be cleaned. He wanted a table immediately.

"Tony just chill, it's only a couple of minutes," Rhodey said as Tony was scanning the bar.

"Rhodey if I'm not mistaken that's Pepper right in the booth," he said, drinking her in.

"Yes it is. Wow she looks-

"Amazing," Tony said finishing his sentence.

Tony grabbed Gina's hand and motioned everyone to follow them. He began to walk in.

"Change of plans, we're with them over there so I won't be needing that table," Tony said.

"Who is that?" Gina asked.

"My assistant Pepper," he said.

"Oh my God. She looks gorgeous," Gina said.

Pepper was deep in a story when Lisa interrupted her.

"Ginny I'm not sure but I think your boss is here and if it's him he is heading towards us,"

Pepper looked and could see Tony and Gina and Rhodey and another girl heading toward them and she spit her drink out in reaction.

She quickly grabbed for her napkin to clean up just as he got to the table.

"You guys don't mind if we join you do you?" he said, flashing a dazzling smile as he attempted to slide in next to Pepper.

"Of course we don't mind," Vanessa said, drinking Tony in.

Pepper kicked her under the table.

"I want to sit next to her so I can talk to her about girl stuff," Gina said as she smiled at Pepper.

Pepper slide down and Gina slid next to her and so on and so on until they were all in the booth.

"These are my friends Lisa and Vanessa," Pepper said.

"I'm Gina and that's my friend Amber," Gina said.

"You all know who I am and this Lt. Colonel James Rhodes," Tony said as he loved being the center of attention.

This cannot be happening, Pepper thought.

"Pepper, you look really amazing tonight. I mean like a total snack," Gina said, getting closer to Pepper.

"Ummm thanks," Pepper said as she reached for her mojito.

"You always look so beautiful. I'm sure you have no problem getting a man's attention," Pepper said as she stared into her intense eyes.

"Surely you don't either. You're so pretty," Gina said as she grabbed a piece of Pepper's hair softly.

My day off and my night out with my girlfriends was a total disaster. Guess who showed up with Sparky and a friend of his and a friend of hers. Yup my boss and he insisted on joining us and it ruined my whole night and Sparky told me I was a "total snack," and she was touching my hair and then she confessed to me the first time she realized she was bisexual which makes sense as to why my boss keeps her around more than the others. Gross. And then later on she was practically sitting on his lap making out with him on my right while my friends were wasted on my left. My buzz was gone and I was trapped and couldn't leave the booth because they wouldn't move. The only positive thing was his best friend took care of him and got him to the car because I have taken care of him when he is drunk, pulled him from compromising situations, talked him out of getting arrested and defused angry husbands when he's hit on their wives one too many times. Tomorrow I am shutting off my phone and not leaving the house. So there will be no blog post. She hit save and got snuggly in her bed.

Tony and Gina got back to the mansion and he needed his bed but Gina who was also buzzed wanted to talk.

She dragged him upstairs with her and she stripped naked.

"Babe, I think I have a crush on Pepper. Do you think she would ever join us in bed?"

Tony was looking up and he was so inebriated he was definitely seeing but he knew what he heard, Pepper joining him in bed. And he felt a sensation he usually feels when he's turned on but he failed to launch. He was limp and just envisioning what being in bed with Gina and Pepper would be like and no matter how turned on he was nothing happened. He knew he drank way too much whiskey and he needed his bed, in his real bedroom. He opened his eyes wider and he could see that Gina was out cold and he stumbled into his room and stripped and slid into bed, but the thought of him with Gina and Pepper never left his mind. And the more he thought it was about Pepper and if she was into girls or if she had a wildside.And eventually his dreams went from a threesome to just him and Pepper.

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