chapter 8

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Tony woke up and immediately had JARVIS bring up Pepper's blog. He scanned it over. The Fawn, another perfect name. Tony was impressed. That part made him smile. She was too damn smart and savvy for her own good. And her dating this idiot was really irritating him. He saw the part about her screaming in ecstasy which meant that she believed he was good in bed. But her checking on him to make sure he didn't get into trouble was total bullshit. She liked watching him have sex and he was going to comment just that.

@scienceguy99 again I'm not understanding how this blog is about your boss and his wild behavior. I think the focus should be that you're a voyeur and you like watching your boss have sex with all these women because secretly you wish and imagine it was you

He closed the blog and he could hear Bambi looking for him.

"Mr. Stark is unavailable. Your clothes have been cleaned and pressed and there's a car outside to take you to the office" Pepper said as she appeared in the living room.

Tony smiled. He loved hearing her kick them out.

"JARVIS inform Miss Potts of Bambi's promotion,"

Bambi was standing there perplexed wearing Tony's shirt and her g-string while Pepper's phone pinged.

"Also I would like to inform you that you've been promoted. Mr. Stark himself moved you from the accounting secretary to the lab secretary. It's a nice bump in pay. Congratulations you have successfully slept your way to a promotion," she said as she walked away.

"But when can I see Tony?" she whined.

"You can't," Pepper called after her as she headed upstairs.

She looked at the time. They had one hour until the meeting with the Japanese shareholders and Tony must be present. As soon as Bambi was out of ear shot she entered Tony's real bedroom. He was pretending to be asleep just to give Pepper a hard time. She pulled the curtains open and could see him all curled up wearing only his boxer briefs.

"Tony, wake up," she said as she shook him lightly.

He didn't budge on purpose. He just really enjoyed Pepper's hands on him.

"Tony GET UP," she said loudly as she shook him


Her hands felt soft against his bare skin and his thoughts went wild and he felt himself get excited. He couldn't make sense of this. He always made a point to make Pepper a No go zone. He made jokes and flirted and no matter how beautiful he thought she was he knew from day 1 that he could never let himself really entertain the thought of her in that way. So this sudden change in behavior was terrifying to him.

He laid there while she continued to shake him and finally he opened his eyes.

"I'm not going," he said immediately when he found her staring at him.

"Oh yes you are," she said, ripping the blanket off of him and it revealed that he was slightly turned on.

"I'll be in the car. You better not be late," she said as she walked out.

Tony needed to snap himself out of this Pepper thing. It's like all he could think about is kissing her and she pops into his head at inopportune times. He was going to the meeting just so he could be around her. It was new for him.

Tony got into the car next to Pepper five minutes before they needed to leave to get there on time. He made sure he had his signature sunglasses on so Pepper couldn't see the look in his eyes. He was afraid she would be able to sniff him out.

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