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Mission Area
Indian Ocean,Near Singapore

Monsoon season was in full swing;the heavy storm winds battered the blades of a little bird carrying two operatives,barely visible in the pitch darkness...

Roze and Nøkk were live in Singapore,closing in on their assignment.The only problem;NIGHTHAVEN's radar and air defense systems.

"Harry,this is Roze,we're circling secondary infil,be advised comms are gonna be a bit shaky with the storm."static greeted her as she finished,but her and Nokk's trasnsponders went live,a dim green light would show they were now active.

It was a retrieval op,one made further complicated by the familiarity of their newest "adversaries".

Instead of their discussed parachute drop,Zero revised it for Jagër to hover for a water drop,keeping under radar with the cover of the coastal waves...


Coming back up topside was a breath of fresh air for Rozlin. Quite literally.Being the fastest,the air was a reward after treading the ocean for as long as the duo was, evident by her labored breaths.

She scanned the area with her, signaling Nøkk with a single whistle...

The veiled figure was next to emerge. The soldier let out a deep exhale beneath the netting. "I don't get paid enough for this..." the frogman went unheard over the loud thunder..

The duo scanned their objective;a segmented plot with a large parking lot and crane that was used for shipments,along with a helipad...

In the distance was the faint silhouette of the facility,unobstructed by the coast and main building in the hills to the east.Taking a look down at her GPS,Nøkk analyzed their position.

"Nighthaven HQ..." she said under her breath looking up at her partner; "That is the area the package should be."

"My money's on the server rooms." She pointed;

"Yes,let's move..."

Rozlin and Nøkk emerged and advanced to the shoreline,then crept along into the foliage the compound had surrounding it, weapons raised and angled for any possible confrontation..

A few guards lazily patrolled the reaches of the small forest,but none of them were a match for the two elite operators,who made silent work of them in the heavy downpour.

They cleared the foliage.HQ was in sight,just yards away.

The duo had took turns taking point with each landmark they had cleared. Now it was the senior frogman's turn to take over.

"Get that recon ready..." Roze couldn't hold back the grin as she rubbed her hands together,reaching around for the weapon case that contained a cult classic..

The veiled one stepped forward,gazing at the fairly active compound,given the horrid weather.A snap was heard,yellow light began surging from her wrist as she stalked forward,"Won't hear a thing..."

The headquarters was a deadzone,.All of the lighting and personnel—were either on shot out or disabled-burned out, with the former workers likely taken care of or got out of dodge.

Nøkk had split with Roze,who had dug herself into a comfortable spot just outside the target building,wanting to make use of her scout rifle. .

(With Nøkk )

The frogman quickly traversed the wall splitting the two data buildings,using her knives to lift over it.She landed quietly thanks to her HEL,going unnoticed by the exiting 2 guards on the other side,advised by Roze.

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