Just Like Old Times.

141 4 2

"Time check."

The clouds began obstructing the bright sky on the Urzikstan mesa,leaving a bleak gray in its wake...

About a dozen soldiers were huddled around a mission board outside,multiple red points and circles adorning the planner.

Blacksite Hotel Bravo...one of many bases for Shadow Company,was easily the most avoided place for miles around.This particular site sat in the warzone that was Al-Mazrah,conveniently hidden nearby Farah's army.

On the pretense of Six's backing,Roze volunteered it as an FOB for the squads in Al Mazrah...she figured the Company could afford to spare some hardware given recent...events.

Zero had appeared from the group,taking point next to the board,gathering everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone,we already know they're out here thanks to Price and his allies,"He began,before motioning to various arrows,a 6 written in each.

"These—represent us and our objective which will be on the move,thankfully we have some friends all around the world,and close enough to them undetected...Besides Roze,she's on forward recon standing by for the initial run."He stared out ahead, pointing towards their own arrows.

"From there,we'll be running support and exfil with the S.C LTV ,let the 141 and Roze thin the convoy first,and we'll merge for the rescue attempt—



A convoy of vehicles headed north on the road through the desert. In one of the vehicles, Laswell sat under surveillance from Al Qatala.

On top of a mesa, a dirt bike skidded to a stop.The driver lifted her goggles, revealing herself to be Farah Karim. A Liberation Force fighter spoke with Farah through the radio.

LF: (Arabic) "Commander, Al-Qatala's here."

Farah: (in Arabic) "Copy, I see them. Go to the rally point and wait for us."

The Commander looked up to the skies to see Nikolai's signature bird fly by,along with another Blackhawk of a darker shade.

"It's Farah. It's time."

Price:. Wheels down in one.I had some friends come help on the retreival as well,they're up ahead.

Farah watched the sky,pulling her goggles and mask back up, revving up her bike as she took off down the mesa.

"Nik, convoy's inbound. We're on."

Price was reciprocated with a simple, "Copy that."

Nikolai's personal Black Hawk flew over the desert,over to the road that the enemy convoy was driving down.

"Over HLZ now." Price leaned out,confirming his observations.

"Good. Set 'er down and hold."

Inside the helicopter, Price walked over to the helicopter hatch where Gaz was standing.

"Gaz, you stay in the heli on overwatch.You'll be working with the lass in the skies,Help us work our way up the line."

" Roger that. Let's thin the herd, get Laswell back."The SAS traded fist bumps before he dismounted from the helicopter and walks over,

-Watching as another Blackhawk slowly set down,just behind a waiting Farah on her motorcycle.

Both watched idly as the Shadow-emblazoned aircraft touched down amidst the waves of sand.They were rather surprised,seeing only one soldier in all black depart the bird.

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