Convergence(Act 2 Prelude)

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A supercell outside tore through even the forests outside, as though the skies themselves were mourning.Dreadful storm clouds overcrowded the English skies,a constant shower of downpour and thunder of which everyone indoors had become all too aware of.

This was the usual scene Yumiko "Hibana" had returned to,joined by her familiar.Azami had brought two bottles down to where a few operators of various squads sat sullenly.

The Viperstrike leader could see Thermite was busy on a desktop,whilst Blitz and Jager whispered obsessively at a smaller coffee close to the man,barely audible over the constant thunder as they'd readied the cups.

The once-lively mood of Hereford was gone.Null and void...Anyone not on major duty was splintered into security or their own respective devices;Multiple operatives were hospitalized from WOLFGUARD to the most recent REDHAMMER.

Their last mission had been an embarrassment,pursuing a container of NIGHTHAVEN gear that had fallen into the wrong hands.

Sure did fall into the wrong hands,it was a damned trap.

-To add fuel to the embers,tensions remained sky high weeks following the loss of their director that same day,evident in the fights and shouting matches that had now become almost unruly in the halls of Hereford...It was a somber few weeks for Rainbow.

Hibana brought the saké over to an L shaped table in the kitchen where Thatcher and Sledge were sitting.

She poured out everyone's cup,with Azami laying them out with clink after small clink...

The eldest op looked up. "What're these for?"

"It's saké old man...You drink it," the S.A.T/STF told him with a half smile. "It'll take your mind off things, at least for the time being."

Sledge exhaled audibly as he leaned into the curve of the table,wholly dissatisfied. "Not much will take me mind off it,lass. It's all I—all we're thinking about."He admitted,correcting himself in the end.

Thatcher grunted in the positive as well,taking his cup as he shook it a bit,watching the dark liquor wiggle idly.

"-Thanks for the drink,mate ,but me and Jordan have got some logistics to stay on top of...With Six dead, there's a lot of paperwork that needs to be filled."

"How could you say that so casually?" came Eliza of all people,who'd been confined to watching the window across from them,having gone the whole time in silence...

Besides the mass of bandages around her neck and forearms,the signature trucker cap was missing from her head,but a new dark number SIX was visible on her left shoulder as she turned to the others.

"Harry's dead, and all you're thinking about are the fucking numbers?"

A few of the others in the room glanced over cautiously,this was usually where the brawls began.

Then there was Jordan still on the computer,who'd waved Twitch over to confirm something on the screen...

"Well there's not much else that comes to mind, is there?" Thatcher refused to fold on this. "-Some bloke is out there is plotting against us, and there's not a second to waste."

Thermite nodded in agreement from behind his blue screen,motioning the captain from her spot near Thatcher as the chaos ensued—

Ash's face twisted in a scowl. "What's the matter with you?!Don't you care at all?" She began closing in.

Mike shot from his stool quickly. "I do care!" he told the woman angrily. "Fookin' everyone does!But there's nothing we can do about it now."

Jagër stepped between the two,holding his hand down placatingly to the bigger man. "That's it freunds,I think Ash gets the point."

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