Violence and Timing (3/3)

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AN:I wanted the safehouse to be like Makarov's from the "Loose Ends" mission in the original trilogy,it just made sense to me.

SB:For any confusion on the shortening of terms,or terms in general,see below

S.C=Shadow Company,duh

J-STF/STF=Joint-Shadow Task Force(the long disbanded multinational unit containing Graves,Hibana,Roze,Lerch,Kai,etc.141's short-lived predecessor.

URA=United Republic of Adal(Capital is Al Mazrah)


Hope that helped...



A singular round of .762 NATO departed its chamber,flying 375 meters into a waiting target.
The slide ejected the spent round,clattering to the carpeted floors as the shooter judged their work.

Clink! Took the hat off the dummy...

A silver glare from the full moon illuminated the  facility,basking the corridors and rooms in a gray light.

The ex-ranger tried and failed to fall asleep multiple times throughout the night,whisked by a need to shoot something..

Roze did so for the first time in weeks;under the plentiful stars and moon of the open sky while the soft,billowing whoosh of AC cooled the large room.

She refocused,zeroing her scope on another dummy strapped to a tree at 600m.

The latest care package had brought new toys that replaced her lost ones.

Of which,included US Army pride and joy;The M110A2/SASS,fully equipped and spec-ops tuned.

Her first week she'd finally been allowed to get up and move around. Much to the amusement of Nøkk, she'd been off the walls with those pain meds.

On her second attempt she'd made it to the frogman's chair,snatching her veil and barreling down the hallway.That was a core memory.

—Nøkk had gone soon after ,boarding a plane to her own home not a night later; the next operation wouldn't require her expertise.

Another bullet tore a hand-sized hole in another synthetic body;seemed she still had it after all.

—splitting her face in a yawn,Roze flicked the bipod back into its rest,rising for the first time in hours to flick open her TACPAD,it's navy display reflecting off her narrowed eyes.

Briefly,she wondered what that ghost would even do with so much downtime,but shook her head.

Besides,the veil had plants to tend to.There was more to the woman that wore the sniper hood,it was magnetizing almost—

A knock at the door brought her thoughts to a screeching halt.

It opened soon after,revealing the signature jacket of R.O.S(Rainbow Operation Staff) Sam Fisher,Zero.

Roze had her fair share of crossing paths with legendary characters,but still none came close to the heavy ink on the resume of this guy...

He leaned his head around the ebony door."Walk with me." The door closed back quietly,allowing her roommates to continue their slumber as Roze pulled her own S.C jacket off a nearby chair.

Zero and Roze trodded down the steps of the safehouse,heading down to Ops in the basement;The place where all the planning went down.

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