Modern Warfare

112 3 3

MARCH 2ND,2023

"This is it right here."  The squad stacked up on either side of a large glass door,one of many in the colossal villa their adversaries chose to reside in.

Sledge slid his breaching hammer off his rig,"Ye set lads?"he turned to his target,already aiming it towards the glass


"I'm ready mate."

Sledge nodded. Taking a deep breath, he swung his hammer into the glass door...

Shards flooded the underlying carpet,setting the tone as Thatcher and Zofia led them in,L85 poised in anticipation.

Blood gushed onto the plastered walls behind the terrorist, who slid down with the force of the .556. Zofia checked her half before turning to join the older SAS.

The smell of death flooded their nostrils;The objective compound had already been host to conflict within,Blitz instinctively clenched his stomach, no doubt they would find plenty of dead Bundespolizei  around.

Deimos wasn't one to put an emphasis on human life,be it was his own men or the opposing forces.

He stacked up behind the Brits and waited patiently. For a few moments, he could hear the loud thumping of boots deeper in the structure, before glass shattering overtook it.

Four high-caliber bangs—undoubtedly from Glaz, reverberated through the halls and echoed in his ears. Sledge gave the signal and rushed into the main lobby, firing off several rounds from his L85A2 in the process.

Turning a corner,Blitz raised his P12 and quickly scanned the lobby for threats. A dozen or so corpses, a mix of civilians and police, littered the floor.

while burgundy, aged blood covered the carpets and expensive porcelain below him. Kötz ignored the smell and swiftly led the clearing of rooms with the rest of his teammates.

As they were about to enter a music room, a gray-camo figure emerged from one of the other back rooms.

In an instant, someone behind him put two rounds in his chest,then 3 more rounds of .762 that forced him to the ground.

It was Zofia,who hadn't lost a step even on her first op back from the incident from last month

Seamus and Thatcher re-emerged. The Scotsman gave the signal, and the two fell in behind their teammates to begin the push deeper into the building.

Boots crunched the debris beneath their feet. Ash kept her head on a swivel,obsessively checking their flank and the windows across from them over and over again for any signs of trouble.

It proven right when she caught sight of a curtain peeling back:The bastards had posted a sentry on the window, but a burst from her G-36C had gotten rid of that problem...

Ash had no sympathy for them.Not anymore.Cartels and Terrorists were one in the same pile of scum,a quick bullet to the brain was a blessing for their misdeeds in her eyes.

The team stacked up against the exterior wall. Right in front of them was a pair of wide reinforced doors, undoubtedly sealed up or barricaded for their arrival.

"Hold here, Bundespolizei say there are an unknown number of hostiles beyond here...estimated no less than 20." Blitz was shrugged off almost,

"We don't have any backup,those guys aren't coming in here again,they've lost 2 teams already.Now bring out the bloody tablet."

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